Thursday, November 14, 2013

There's something about Lulu...

Lulu is 2 years old. She is a funny silly dog, with her own mind set.

She has the really strong teeth for a smaller dog. I have to buy her toys that are meant for large breeds otherwise they don't last at all. I have timed her, and a new toy usually lasts less than 30 minutes before it is in pieces! She doesn't really play with them, she just tears them apart. She loves plastic, even the hardest kind. When Marvin drinks water from a little plastic bottle, she sits in front of him staring fixedly and won't move until he finishes it and lets her play chew on it.

She has calmed down a lot and is more cuddly and sweet. Once in a while she will go crazy and run around like a maniac growling and jumping. It's a funny thing to watch! She's also a big jumper! She can jump really high, it's amazing.

She loves people, I don't think she'd be a good watch dog, no matter who it is, man, woman, child, friend or unknown, she is just totally happy to see them.

She also understands a few words (really) like squirrel, toy, ball, etc. She may be sitting down  by Marvin's chair, but if either one of us say, look at the squirrel...she'll jump and go to the sliding door and  if open she'll just go running outside.

She will go to her kennel by herself when we go out, and at night, when we go to bed she goes  to sleep in her kennel with no fuss. She has always been a good sleeper and she stays sleeping until I get up in the morning and feed her and take her out. Usually around 9 :)

Marvin likes to talk to her, she sits and looks at him and I think she nods. She loves to go to him after her breakfast and have him scratch her especially  while she's sort of upside down looking up. She's really attached to him.

My main problem with her if that she is very stubborn, and still poops  inside once in a while, especially in the evening. After breakfast I take her outside and she does her business, I have tried to take her out as often as I can , sometimes I stay outside with her after her dinner and play with her or take her for a walk, and she'll do nothing. But the moment we are in the house and I go to my room, she will do it in a very stealthy way. I very seldom catch her in the act. It's very frustrating!.

They say there's no such thing as a poorly trained dogs, only poorly trained owners. And I have to agree with it. I haven't been very consistent training her, especially when I first got her. Even when I took her to obedience school (she didn't get a diploma) I didn't really follow through. But I'm still trying.

We love her.

1 comment:

RedRed said...

She is such a funny, cute little thing!