Monday, November 25, 2013


As I said yesterday, today I had my appointment to have my hair colored and cut. I told Lauren to cut my hair shorter because   my hair grows fast and it was getting shoulder length. Also I wanted my hair a little darker because it was too blondish. Now is a honey color I like :)

Other than that I didn't do much of anything.  Lulu seems to be doing OK so far being unkenneled, we'll see how it goes :)



emtes said...

Not the best photo but your haircut looks nice and also the color. It really suits you!
Hope you had a good time at the hairstylist? Me and my hairstylist always have coffee and buns or something while we wait for the color to be done. We chat and have so much fun :-) Her daughter is also artist - musical and entertainment.
Hope you have a good day. Is it now you have thanksgiving?
Puss och kram
from your sis

Kteach said...

They have tea and stuff but I don't partake of it, and my stylist is busy with other clients while I wait for the color to develop, when she's doing my hair we talk, but that's about it.
They do have 2 sensory things that are included and I like, the scalp massage and the mini facial.