Saturday, November 9, 2013

Miss Universe

I am watching Miss Universe in our brand new 55" TV.
It used to be my favorite show to watch, but I haven't been watching it for a few years, but I watched it today just to see what the beauty standard is this year :)

This morning I was reading El Periodico of Barcelona, and right there it said who the winner was. It's a good thing because I always like to know the results of everything before I watch it.

Winner was Miss Venezuela, 2nd was Miss Spain, and 3rd I don't remember. All the women from 83 different countries were, of course, gorgeous. I enjoy watching the national costumes, some countries really go overboard. What was Miss USA costume? She was dressed as a "transformer" !??!!! WHY?

Venezuela takes being a Miss "Anything" seriously. They have  a "Miss" farm where young girls are raised to become misses, they are taught how to dress, how to walk, how to carry themselves, and they are plucked, trimmed, exercised etc. It works, there's been 7 Miss Universe winners and 6 Miss World winners from Venezuela, and here's this year's winner, 25 yr old Gabriela Isler.

1 comment:

RedRed said...

Wow...she's pretty stunning. It looked like Miss USA's costume was a cross between IronMan and Captain America. Weird.