Saturday, September 30, 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Same old

I just realized I had not written anything this month other than the August recap.

Nothing much has happened other than going to a couple of doctor's visits . It's not been a very good month health wise especially for Marvin and I haven't done much of anything, just one day I went to have lunch with N at Harbor House in  Seal Beach, and one day I went to have lunch with Marv at Black Angus, and lunch with Lizzie as well, she brought cake :)

The girls have been in a two week nice relaxing vacation in NC and they had a lovely time.

I talked to both my sisters at different times. I had a video call with Nuri and Monica and it was fun to see them and talk to them (she has not changed personality wise lol). Then I called Mia for her birthday, she was of course travelling :)

I guess my next post will be the recap of September.