Saturday, November 28, 2015

Out of ideas

I checked the girls' blogs to see if I could get some ideas on what to write about today. Sandy had nothing to write about and LIzzie had not written hers yet. So I went to Pinterest for ideas, but all I saw were books with ideas, only you had to buy them.

So I am still out of ideas, but I will write a little about blogging. The number 1 reason I blog is so I have a record of things that happen in my life, important and not so important. I also write so my readers know about those things that happen in my life.

I know my readers are my two daughters, my husband, and my sister Mia and  conversely,theirs  are the only blogs I read consistently.

Sometimes I check my posts to see how many hits I get, usually  there's about 16 or so people that read my posts , I have no idea who the other 12 people are. I don't advertise my blog at all, not in Facebook, not anywhere. So I'm curious.

Last year, for some unknown reason I had lost of readers, like in the low hundreds, then they stopped.. I have no clue why or why so many. It puzzles me. I really I am not sure how this blogging stuff works :)

Have a nice Sunday!

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