Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Autumn day

It's been a beautiful blue sky day with a chill in the air. I enjoy days like this. We have had a very hot Summer and even most of October was very hot too.

In Spain we had almost perfect weather every day. We were very lucky.

I didn't go to Long Beach because I woke up with a big headache and didn't feel like driving, instead I asked Norbert to come to La Mirada.

He got here by 11 and played with Lulu, she was beyond happy to see him, it was cute!

I showed him the album Sonia made of our stay in Platja, and then we saw some of the pictures of the trip in the computer. He said it looked like we had a very fun time and was happy for me.

Then he helped me take y Mustang out of the garage and into the driveway, rather he did it all himself :)

Yesterday it had been pretty windy and rainy, and the fence Marv had made to hide the  garbage cans had come down, so Norbert decided he needed to do something so the wind wouldn't blow it down again. First he swept the patio, then he looked for 4x6 boards to brace the fence, it worked OK and it now feels a lot more steady.

We were going to have lunch at El Torito, but by the time we were ready to go it was too late, so instead we went to the little Filipino Restaurant in La Mirada. I had a  pork shish kebab which was very good and a few chicharrones and phyllo wrapped bananas . He had chicken adobo.

All in all it was a pretty nice time, he's acting more like himself . We decided to meet a couple times a month, one time I'd drive down and one time he'd drive up. I want to go walking by the beach, and also take Lulu to the park (although there's been too many coyote sightings so I don't feel very comfortable going by myself)

Until tomorrow!

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