Sunday, November 29, 2015

Another Sunday

Marv wanted to have chili and cornbread for lunch, so I went to Marie Callenders to get some. I got a chicken pot pie for me.

I didn't care much for my pie, It had only a top crust and the filling was kind of runny and lacked seasoning, I won't have it again. Marv enjoyed the chili, but because of his back pain he hasn't been eating a lot today.

He went to bed fairly early after a dinner of mashed potatoes and ground beef taco filling. I didn't eat any dinner, but just now I had an english muffin and an omelette.

I feel bad Marv is having so much pain on his back, he was doing pretty well and then he hurt it again somehow on  the other side. He lays down with the heat pad sometimes and sometimes with the icy hot. He's also taking some pretty strong pain medication. He's OK laying down but when he gets up he has quite a bit of pain. I hope little by little it'll get better. The doctor said it takes time, and don't seem overly concerned. But it is hard on him, and on me since I can do only so much to help.

Just one more November day. I hope December will be better.

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