Thursday, November 12, 2015


Yesterday we went to Marvin's doctor, it was quite an ordeal.

Today I went to the optometrist, I needed some new glasses.I have to renew my driver's license before my birthday, and last time I went to the DMV I had some trouble passing my vision test.

                                          They told me to bring all my glasses, so I did.

The doctor was a bit overwhelmed and and said I should have brought only the last glasses I had made.(I get new glasses every 2 years).

I told her I had 2 long distance/driving glasses,one for daytime (sunglasses) the other for nightime, also for movies etc.

Then I had my computer glasses,and another pair that I wear all the time around the house. They are interchangeable.

I also showed her my favorite glasses, I wanted them for my vision test, but the handle is broken and cannot be fixed.They are about 8 years old. She totally discarded them!

After having my eyes checked, I decided to have a new pair of sunglasses made.I will use one of my computer glasses for my vision test.

Tomorrow we are going to the dermatologist.

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