Monday, November 30, 2015

November recap

It was hard for me to write daily but I think I did OK, missed one day by minutes :)
It was hard because all days are more or less the same, so it was hard to come up with stuff to write about.
Anyway, here's my recap.

Lizzie was here twice this month, one in the first weekend of November and then again for Thanksgiving. Always love to have her here. She also had her 43rd birthday this month.

We had 4 doctor's appointments this month. His regular doctor, then dermatology, and the wound nurse. I had an optometry appointment and just got a call today that my sunglasses are ready. Lulu had a salon appointment .  Marv didn't have a very good month, when his back started getting better it started to hurt again, very painful.

And  bad happenings, the massacre in Paris,  Lebanon, and other  areas of the world :(

Here are the books I read this month:

Barbara Samuel – No Place Like Home
Maureen Johnson -  13 Little Blue Envelopes
Joseph Wambaugh – Harbor Nocturne
Elin Hilderbrand – The Rumor
Elin Hilderbrand -  Winter Stroll

I think I forgot to write  about a couple more books that I read

Movies I watched

I didn't watch any movies but I watched a lot of Spanish and Catalan TV online

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Another Sunday

Marv wanted to have chili and cornbread for lunch, so I went to Marie Callenders to get some. I got a chicken pot pie for me.

I didn't care much for my pie, It had only a top crust and the filling was kind of runny and lacked seasoning, I won't have it again. Marv enjoyed the chili, but because of his back pain he hasn't been eating a lot today.

He went to bed fairly early after a dinner of mashed potatoes and ground beef taco filling. I didn't eat any dinner, but just now I had an english muffin and an omelette.

I feel bad Marv is having so much pain on his back, he was doing pretty well and then he hurt it again somehow on  the other side. He lays down with the heat pad sometimes and sometimes with the icy hot. He's also taking some pretty strong pain medication. He's OK laying down but when he gets up he has quite a bit of pain. I hope little by little it'll get better. The doctor said it takes time, and don't seem overly concerned. But it is hard on him, and on me since I can do only so much to help.

Just one more November day. I hope December will be better.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Out of ideas

I checked the girls' blogs to see if I could get some ideas on what to write about today. Sandy had nothing to write about and LIzzie had not written hers yet. So I went to Pinterest for ideas, but all I saw were books with ideas, only you had to buy them.

So I am still out of ideas, but I will write a little about blogging. The number 1 reason I blog is so I have a record of things that happen in my life, important and not so important. I also write so my readers know about those things that happen in my life.

I know my readers are my two daughters, my husband, and my sister Mia and  conversely,theirs  are the only blogs I read consistently.

Sometimes I check my posts to see how many hits I get, usually  there's about 16 or so people that read my posts , I have no idea who the other 12 people are. I don't advertise my blog at all, not in Facebook, not anywhere. So I'm curious.

Last year, for some unknown reason I had lost of readers, like in the low hundreds, then they stopped.. I have no clue why or why so many. It puzzles me. I really I am not sure how this blogging stuff works :)

Have a nice Sunday!

Friday, November 27, 2015


I've spend a good part of this evening  trying to organize my pretty large collection of movies that I have saved in my external HD

Last night, Lizzie and I were talking about organizing, so I showed her  my movie collection and how I had it organized by folders. She was sort of shaking her head and couldn't understand why I had so many folders and why some of thems were in several folders, etc.

I got her point. I do have too many folders. I had them filed by  favorites,  oldies, classics, teen movies, musicals, comedy, drama, seen, not seen, Oscar winners, holidays, and also by actor-actress for instance Elvis movies,  Steve Martin, Audrey Hepburn, Woody Allen, and so on. And of course, many many that were just listed by name since it would take too long to  find out what category they should fit in.

But I got quite a bit done, I have fewer files but way too many subfiles. . I'll keep on working.

I checked the internet to find out if there was some kind of app or program that would just organize them for me. I downloaded the Movie Monkey , but it didn't really work for me. So I'm looking for a program the will classify them at least by genre, so it would be easier for me to check them out.

 Any suggestions?


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Post Thanksgiving

I was talking to some old friends online last night, and when I finally signed off I realized it was past 12, so I missed one day, although I wrote a Happy Thanksgiving post a little after midnight.

Today Lizzie took Marv to dialysis, unfortunately  while washing in the bathroom he hurt his back again and has been in pain most of the day.  He took a big tray of cookies from Sam's to the dialysis staff to thank them for their care.

Lizzie brought me a cinnamon roll for breakfast and then watched The Godfather for a while. We decided to have lunch after Marv got home. I made some chocolate pudding instead of pie for later.

After they got home, Marv had a snack and took a pain pill. Lizzie and I had pan con tomate y jamon serrano, spinach dip and chips and guacamole and patatas bravas..

Later for our main meal, we had grilled rib eye steaks with garlic mayo, dressing and cranberry sauce and potatoes. It was very good but not very traditional. For dessert we had the chocolate fudge pudding with home made whipped cream and flan. Also cookies from Lizzie. We also drank some Cava.

And of course watching a lot of football!

There was only the 3 of us, plus Lulu, and it was just fine. Marv called his brother and sisters that got together in Dixon, to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. I called Norbert. And Sandy called us :)

Marv went to lay down  because his back was hurting and then he had another pain pill and went to sleep. Lizzie and I were in my room talking, and I showed her some of the files in my computer and discovered my organizing was not as good as I thought! I really need help with it. We started by cleaning a drawer in my computer desk.

And now is time to say goodnight, even though I'm pretty sure it'll be a while before I go to bed.

Happy Thanksgiving!

To my family and friends:

Have a wonderful day,
I am thankful you are in my life.

Love you all

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

An American Holiday

This Thursday is Thanksgiving day, a quintessential American holiday. But it is not my favorite holiday.

We didn't have Thanksgiving in Spain when I was growing up, I had a vague idea that it had to do with Indians and I thought Cowboys (actually were Pilgrims). And turkeys.

My first Thanksgiving was spent with Marv's family. I was really looking forward to it, but I must say I was underwhelmed.  His family is very nice and quiet. But they are not party people. I was used to many get together with my family, and everybody  laughed and ate and drank and talked and it was very festive.

We sat down at the table like at noon, Marv and me, his parents, his brother and sisters, his grandfather and his 3 unmarried uncles.  Marv's father said a blessing and all the food was already on the table: huge turkey, dressing, cranberries, rolls, gravy, potatoes, a couple different kinds of salads, and on the sideboard, different kinds of pies.

There was not a lot of talk, just pass the potatoes, who wants more turkey etc. Nobody really talked to me, but I did talk to them although I don't think they really understood my accent, so I felt a little lonely. The fact that the only thing to drink was Cool Aid and/or milk, didn't help.

Then like magic, all the males left the table and went to the living room to watch football, I followed them to be with Marv but he told me to go back to the kitchen and help out. His mother and sisters had done all the cooking and now they were doing all the cleaning, I was not a lot of help, I didn't know where things went and it felt very much like I was in the way, so after a while I just went back with the men.

I didn't care much for turkey -still don 't- dressing, gravy, cranberries were new to me and I didn't much like it. I liked the chocolate pie, but not the pumpkin pie -I still don't- and something called mincemeat?! I still am not sure what's in it.

I don't remember a lot about other Thanksgivings. I know the next year I invited his parents and grandfather over at our home, I made Catalan soup and  stuffed chicken and it was not a very successful dinner, the only person that seemed to enjoy it and asked me about the food I prepared was his grandpa -my favorite person in the family, I loved that man-.

When the girls were young I am pretty sure we went to the grandparents on that day. When the girls were older, we had some strange Thanksgivings, I remember the day we were looking for a Restaurant and everything was closed and we ended up with Chinese food.

When the girls gre up and had their own families, we spend some Thanksgiving at Sandy's and they came down a few times (I sometimes thought it was not fair that some years they spent both Thanksgiving and Christmas with Marty's parents, but that's what happens when you live a few states away). Lizzie  comes every Thanksgiving when we are by ourselves :) , although I remember going to San Diego once to a Restaurant.  A couple of times we asked Norbert to spend Thanksgiving with us too.

This year Lizzie is coming and it'll be  just the 3 of us, and we're going to have a non traditional dinner as we usually have. And Cava!!!

                   By the way, I give thanks every day  for the big and little things in my life.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Simple pleasures?

I was going to write about my first Thanksgiving in the US. But it probably be a long post and I am feeling a little tired.

I'm trying to think of Monday's little pleasures, and the one that comes to mind is that I found a good parking place when we went to Kaiser Orchard offices for Marv's appointment with his dermatologist.

Parking at any Kaiser office is a big headache. I cannot park in tight spaces, and I don't like to back up, so finding a good place to park qualifies as a simple pleasure?!

Tomorrow I have to wake up early to take Lulu to grooming. She looks like a little bison!

Bona nit!

Sunday, November 22, 2015


I was born missing an important gene: 
The paella gene. 
It just doesn't exist in my DNA.

My mother was a great paella maker and so were/are most of my family, both  men and women.

I have tried!  Either it comes out too dry, or too wet, or the grains are too mushy or too hard. And the seasonings are never quite right either.

Because I am allergic to most shellfish, I don't eat the "typical" seafood paella. But I like the meat paella, made with chicken, sausage and pork.

I found the right kind of rice at the World Market, you need to have the right kind of rice, not like the long grain american rice or the short grain italian rice (good for risotto but not for paella)

I have been wanting to try to make a meat paella, but I kept putting it off, don't want to be disappointed :)

Friday I went to Ruby's in Whittier to get some clam chowder to go for dinner. On the way I stopped at the World Market to see what was new. They had a package of vegetable paella, it was made in Spain, it looked like this:
All you had to do was saute the rice and add 3 cups of water or broth, you could add any meat if you wanted...So I decided to try it..

                                                    .I added chicken and jamon serrano.
                                      It had to boil for 20 minutes and then rest for 10 minutes more

After 20 minutes I checked it and all the liquid was absorbed

I should have add more liquid and stir the rice after 15 minutes.
The bottom had a crust, which ideally is what should happen, 
however my crusty part was a bit burned.
The rice in the edges was good, but the top part was a bit crunchy.
The flavor was good.

I'll give it a B-

Saturday, November 21, 2015


This was the highlight of the day

A blowout!  

Friday, November 20, 2015

Knee bump

A couple of days ago. I was sitting on my bed and I had my legs resting on my computer chair. I was wearing shorts and I noticed a bump on my left knee.

It is below the knee cap and I thought it was a bone, but it is not as hard, is sort of cushiony. It doesn't hurt at all even when I push into it.

I tried to take a picture but is hard to see although is very visible. So what is it?

Of course I've checked the internet and it could be a number of things, ie bursitis. But everything I've checked it says is pretty painful, and as I say, I'm glad to say my bump doesn't hurt.

The first day we got to Barcelona, we went to out apartment in Carrer Bertran and were waiting outside for our landlord to come and open the door. After a while I saw a woman, opening the door to the apartment (his mother) I hurried after her to catch her up before she got into the apartment, and in my hurry I was not paying attention and tripped on  a low step and fell down on my knees.

It hurt a lot and brought tears to my eyes, but I never got a bruise, or it never hurt in any way afterwards even though the fall was pretty strong.

Reading about knee bumps, one of the causes could be a fall on the knee. I wonder if it is what happened. But it sure took a long time to show up!

If it doesn't go away, I may go have it checked.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Happy Birthday Lizzie!

Today is my youngest daughter's 44th birthday.

Here's a picture of Lizzie and me on her Christening day

Elisabeth Nuria Wann

February 1972
Jerome, Idaho

Loved you yesterday, love you still
Always have and always will

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Catalunya Experience

For a number of weeks now, I have been watching a program from TV3 the Catalan TV called "Catalunya Experience".

They invite people that are bloggers, or word travelers, or some that have been on TV in their country, and invite them to spend some days in Catalunya. Not just Barcelona, but different areas of Catalunya. They learn their history, taste they native foods, etc.
Their guide is a young catalan woman called Ivana Miño, she's a biologist and also an actress and dancer.

They have a new show every Wednesday, I have seen them all so far and have enjoyed them very much. I've found out lots of things I didn't know, it's very interesting.

I am sending a link to one of my favorites programs in the series. It's the one with Jarek and Beata. They are from Poland. He's the most well known weather man on TV in Poland, and she's a journalist.
In this show, they visit the costa Brava, including San Feliu, also they see the inside of Casa Batllo, and spend April 21 (San Jordi) in Barcelona where they buy books and roses.

They show the program in both the Catalan version and the English version. The link is for the English version. If you have some time, be sure to watch it, I think you will enjoy it and it will bring back  good memories for Lizzie and Sandy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I am not a veggie lover. Sure there's some I like a lot and I eat them often. But I am not very adventorous, I keep on eating the ones I like and hardly ever try new ones.

When I was growing up we had a salad every day, different lettuces, tomatoes etc. Catalan salad, my favorite also had asparagus. We had green beans and potatoes at least 3 times a week,

I like green beans, peas, artichokes, asparagus, onions (I never ate onions until I came to the US, I disliked them enormously) potatoes, tomatoes, olives -just the anchovy stuffed ones,- garlic, peppers, carrots, peas. avocados...well actually I like a lot of them!

But there's so many more vegetables that I should at least try!

A little anecdote.  When I went grocery shopping yesterday, Marv told me to get some zucchini. Easy right?  Well I couldn't find any! yes they had cucumber, squash, and other veggies. So feeling dumb I asked the produce lady  why they didn't have any. She said, but there's a lot of them. What I didn't know is that zucchini is a squash, so I bypassed them without realizing they were one and the same.

zucchini = summer squash

Never too old to learn new things ;)

Monday, November 16, 2015

writing props

I was going to write , but I found I had nothing to say.

So I checked to see if the girls had written their blog.

First I checked Mia, she doesn't write everyday, but she seems to be doing OK, enjoying the long dark Swedish winter.

Then I read Lizzie's blog and I was sad to read she's feeling borderline depressed. It has been a stressful last few days and I wonder if that contributes to  that feeling. I wish I could help in some way.

Lastly I read Sandy's blog and she wrote about writing about little every day pleasures. So let's see...

1. I enjoyed the cool windy weather we had today, it was blue skies and sunny, you could see the snowed mountains to the north very clearly.

2. I gave Lulu her flea pill and she looked at me thinking she knew what was hiding under a piece or pork, but ate it anyway.

3. Can't think of any other little pleasures for today.

What I did today was:

Woke up at 10AM.
Went grocery shopping.
Put gas in the pick up.
Had a child's Happy Meal for lunch.
Went to the eye doctor to have my eyes checked again, I had a red eye and been using some prescription drops and the doctor wanted to see if it was better.
On the way back home it took me 40 minutes to drive home because or road work and one lane only. It usually takes me less than 15 minutes.
Has a snack of nachos, chips, cheddar cheese, shredded pork, and avocado.
Read a little, talked to Marvin, played with Lulu a little.
Took the trash and recycle bins outside.
Had Sprout's pizza for dinner, was very good.
Talked for an hour with Norbert...well he talked and I sort of listened. All about his family in France.
Probably will watch a movie tonight.

Good night!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunrise - Sunset



There's always a new day

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Some stuff

I didn't do much today, but at least I accomplished a couple of things:

I did get my teaching credential renewed, although I haven't taken the bullying test yet.

I also made an appointment to take my driving test. The first day/time available was December 16 at 12:30PM. Just a day short of my birthday! I have to study for the test because I did a couple of practice tests online and I'm afraid I didn't do very well :(

We went to Capriotti's for lunch (to take home) and we had "The Bobbie" to get us in the Thanksgiving mood, especially since we seldom do the traditional turkey thing.

  Homemade turkey, cranberry sauce, dressing and mayo in a bun.
  It actually is pretty good, although I prefer my usual Italian sub.
  The 5 guys are next to Capriottis, so I got some Cajun fries too.

                               Have a good Sunday :)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Yesterday we went to Marvin's doctor, it was quite an ordeal.

Today I went to the optometrist, I needed some new glasses.I have to renew my driver's license before my birthday, and last time I went to the DMV I had some trouble passing my vision test.

                                          They told me to bring all my glasses, so I did.

The doctor was a bit overwhelmed and and said I should have brought only the last glasses I had made.(I get new glasses every 2 years).

I told her I had 2 long distance/driving glasses,one for daytime (sunglasses) the other for nightime, also for movies etc.

Then I had my computer glasses,and another pair that I wear all the time around the house. They are interchangeable.

I also showed her my favorite glasses, I wanted them for my vision test, but the handle is broken and cannot be fixed.They are about 8 years old. She totally discarded them!

After having my eyes checked, I decided to have a new pair of sunglasses made.I will use one of my computer glasses for my vision test.

Tomorrow we are going to the dermatologist.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Yesterday I was in a shopping mood, I went to Sam's and got soap and jamon serrano, then I looked around to see if anything caught my eye. I ended up with a bath rug, is very soft and fluffy. Then I went and put gas in the pick up.

After that I went to Costco. This time I bought a box of madeleines, and chocolate pepperming bark.
And a bottle of Kirkland Eggnogg.

Before going home, I spent some time thinking about what to get for lunch. Nothing sounded good.
So I made me a sandwich when I got home.

                                    I am a boring shopper, I really don't enjoy shopping at all.

                                            But I am drinking some eggnogg right now.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Schools

When we were in Barcelona, the girls, well Sandy mostly, made fun of me when I pointed some place and said, this is my school... It's true I did attend several schools, so I will present you now with


My first one, pre K, was right across the house were I was born, it's not there anymore.It was in Passeig Bonanova.

After that we went to Sagrado Corazon, a Catholic school, all the teacher were nuns, and we wore uniforms. It's still a school, but not with the same name. It's in Leon XIII street , close to Passeig San Gervasi.

Here's a class picture. I think we stayed in that school for about 5-6 years. Not many boys there eh?
Can you find Nuri and me?

                    After this school we went to "Centro de Enseñanza Alba" in Calle Bertran 131.
                           The apartment we rented with Airbnb was just a few houses away

This is a class picture. It was a private elementary school, very close to our home in Roca i Batlle.
See me?  It was a mixed school, but in this pictures is just girls.

The next school was a very posh/expensive private girls school  "Institucion Cultural Femenina"
It was located in one of the best streets of Barcelona, Passeig de Gracia 51
Just one block away from the Manzana de la discordia,

With buildings by four of Barcelona's most important Modernista architects, Lluís Domènech i MontanerAntoni GaudíJosep Puig i Cadafalch and Enric Sagnier

Here's where we took our mid term and final tests while in this school
Instituto Verdaguer
Located in the Ciutadella Parc

While going to this school I also attended the German School for languages, it was  fairly close to where I lived, in Avinguda Tibidabo
It's still a school, but not the German one

I started working part time in a Travel Agency, Viajes FRAM.

 When I graduated I started the University, just general classes for a year

I kept on working part time in a new agency, Viajes Conde, very close to the University

The next year I started classes at the Faculty of Economics, in the Diagonal
I took a few classes but I didn't like it, I liked the Travel Agency work better.

Then I got married!

In the US, I lived in Burley Idaho and decided to become a teacher, 
and went to Idaho State University in Pocatello, ID
They transferred my University credits from Barcelona

This was my dorm: Graveley Hall

I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Education

I also took classes in Cal State Long Beach and UC San Diego

And that's all!

Monday, November 9, 2015


Just a little diversion, pretty cool and/or headachy. Go slow :)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Half full or half empty?

We need to face the fact that negative situations happen a lot in life. They are unavoidable, but we can find a way to confront these negative effects. So, how can we counteract these bad effects on our lives and attitudes? Positive thinking is filled with this power that can help us get through tragic instances. Learning how to stay positive in unpleasing situations is priceless and adds value to your lifestyle. It is your choice to be positive or negative when it comes to various situations.

I choose to be positive :)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

I need your opinion

I received a couple of letters from the LLCSD where I worked for 26 years as a Kindergarten teacher.

Since my retirement in 2011 I have subbed a few times. I don't much care about subbing, but is a way to keep in touch with  teacher friends, and also with some of my ex students.

The letters were to advise me that I need to take an online course on bullying, and then take a test and if I pass they will give me a certificate (all California teachers need to have this certificate in order to teach).

The second letter was to tell me I need to renew my Teacher Credential which expirres at the end of this year.  I can also do it online.

I need to decide if I want to do it or not. I would like your opinion to help me decide.

In a way, I want to keep all options open, and renew my credential even if I decide not to sub. It's also an identity thing, I will still be a (certified)  teacher!

On the other hand, I think, why bother. I won't probably sub anymore, too many rules and regulations, I don't enjoy having  32 kids in one class. Way too many! I also don't want to sub in any school other than Jersey and in any other grade but Kindergarten.

So what do you think???

Friday, November 6, 2015

A visit from Lizzie

Lizzie came tonight to stay for the weekend. It's the first time I've seen her since we got back from Spain.

And Sandy and Tristan will come to visit on December 11, Lizzie will come also. I am happy when they come visit, I miss being with them.

Tristan didn't come visit this Summer, he went to San Francisco on his Summer break, so I am looking forward to seeing him too!

Tomorrow Lizzie and I will go out to lunch, Because Marvin has not been feeling well , we haven't gone out for lunch since I've been back.  So I am missing my Margarita too! I have the makings for making Margaritas at home, but is just not the same :)

Have a nice weekend everybody!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Other Blogs

I don't follow many blogs, just my daughters's, my sister's and my husband's.

There's a few blogs I check from time to time, for instance cooking blogs.

And also several Travel blogs, especially about people that have visited Catalunya, I find it interesting to read what they write, this is one of them...

She's a photographer and blogger from Australia, she was invited by Catalunya TV to visit some areas of Catalunya. She went to Montserrat and other places, it was fun to watch the TV show, and nice to read her blog.

I just found this one quite by chance...

She's a Hungarian travel blogger. She traveled to different parts of Spain, but I checked her Barcelona travels. It is a bit hard to follow because she changes cities and stories, but I liked her post about Putxet Parc, the one about tapas, and Tibidabo etc. I also found some cool places she  wrote about that I didn't even know. For instance this house which is about 5 blogs from the last apartment we stayed. It would have been nice to see.

It is basically an apartment building which has one side painted over
and it looks like a house from the 20's-30's

Another blog I liked was one that Lizzie found...Very interesting.

That's it for today :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Nothing much

I  guess today's highlight is "I found my glasses"!

My iPod and new shoes are still MIA, I guess I'll have to look for them again!

We turned the heater on tonight, outside temperature was 57! But this weekend is supposed to be in the 80's again.

Lizzie will be coming this weekend. I already know where to go for lunch, and no, it's not El Cholo.

Lulu is a great jumper! 

I made carnitas for dinner tonight. Very good :)

That's all for today, I'll leave you with a seasonal funny...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Autumn day

It's been a beautiful blue sky day with a chill in the air. I enjoy days like this. We have had a very hot Summer and even most of October was very hot too.

In Spain we had almost perfect weather every day. We were very lucky.

I didn't go to Long Beach because I woke up with a big headache and didn't feel like driving, instead I asked Norbert to come to La Mirada.

He got here by 11 and played with Lulu, she was beyond happy to see him, it was cute!

I showed him the album Sonia made of our stay in Platja, and then we saw some of the pictures of the trip in the computer. He said it looked like we had a very fun time and was happy for me.

Then he helped me take y Mustang out of the garage and into the driveway, rather he did it all himself :)

Yesterday it had been pretty windy and rainy, and the fence Marv had made to hide the  garbage cans had come down, so Norbert decided he needed to do something so the wind wouldn't blow it down again. First he swept the patio, then he looked for 4x6 boards to brace the fence, it worked OK and it now feels a lot more steady.

We were going to have lunch at El Torito, but by the time we were ready to go it was too late, so instead we went to the little Filipino Restaurant in La Mirada. I had a  pork shish kebab which was very good and a few chicharrones and phyllo wrapped bananas . He had chicken adobo.

All in all it was a pretty nice time, he's acting more like himself . We decided to meet a couple times a month, one time I'd drive down and one time he'd drive up. I want to go walking by the beach, and also take Lulu to the park (although there's been too many coyote sightings so I don't feel very comfortable going by myself)

Until tomorrow!

Monday, November 2, 2015


I thought I would try to write every day this month too. But I am not sure I have too much to write about now that I am back home.

I did write a lot last month, telling about my trip to Spain, and even though I had not many comments, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and my narrative. It was an amazing time in my home town with my two daughters :)

I am a little bummed out because I cannot find my glasses, I've looked all over, luggage, purses, etc and cannot find them. Also I cannot find my iPod :(  I  may have left my glasses in the last apartment, or in the plane...or who knows! Next week I have an appointment with optometry and will have some new glasses made. I need some sun glasses, and regular glasses, one for computer and one for long distance.

Today it started raining in the evening, and with the ending of Daylight Saving Time it starts to feel like Fall finally. I was getting pretty tired of all that heat!

 M is still not feeling well, he's been laying down a lot today and his back seems to be hurting all the time. I hope next week when we go to the doctor he may have some suggestions on how to get better. I bought some electronic thing from icy hot but it didn't seem to help much.

Tomorrow I was going to meet Norbert for lunch, but I won't meet him if it's raining unless he wants to drive up here. We'll see.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

October recap

I didn't do a September recap. If you follow my blog, you know why.

So this is October's recap and also I will add books I read in September (I didn't read a single book while I was in Catalunya, too many other things to do)

October was totally different than September. Marvin injured his back in some way on October 2nd, and he's been in pain ever since. We didn't do anything all month, just go to and from dialysis.
On the 19th, our financial adviser came by, and the next day Marvin's pain got worse and we spent all day in ER. We have an appointent with his regular doctor November 11.

On the 22nd Lizzie went to visit Sandy in Utah for a long weekend and they had some fun times together. I wish I could have gone too.

Here's hoping for a better pain free November!

Books I read in September and October

Mary Higgins Clark – All Through the Night
Tatiana de Rosnay – A Paris Affair
Laura Hankins – The Sumertime Girls
Kristin Harmel – The Sweetness of Forgetting
Mary Alice Monroe – The Summer’s End

Mary Alice Monroe – The Butterfly’s Daughter
Richard C. Morais – The Hundred-Foot Journey
Candance Bushnell – Killing Monica
Mary Higgins Clark – The Melody Lingers On
Debbie Macomber – Silver Linings
Jojo Moyes – After You
Irene Hannon – Hope Harbor

Movies I've seen
Man Up (2015) UK    
Bypass (2012)  Spain –Basque
I’ll see you in my dreams (2015) USA
Slow Learners (2015)  USA
Ricki and the Flash (2015)  USA