Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5, Attention Deficit Disorder

I just finished reading Sandy's blog, and I reached an obvious conclusion: My husband and daughters are planners and organizers. I am not.
I make lists, and promptly lose them, or misplace them (I find my grocery list as soon as I get back from the store). I spend countless hours looking for things. I try to organize pictures, papers, documents etc. and although I really try, it just doesn't last.
When I worked at Jersey, I organized teaching units by the month, I always started the year knowing where everything was, but after a week or two, everything was upside down, because I never filed papers in the corresponding box and let things accumulate. For instance, If I looked for a Thanksgiving unit, I would find it in January. I of course would then have to create new units, which was good because I didn't like to do the same thing year after year, so maybe...

Because of Marvin being sick, it would be convenient for me to plan and organize. Lizzie told me to get a journal and write basically everything related to his care.
I got a journal, and wrote a few things, and told myself I needed to keep it up.
And I tried.
But I cannot find it.
(Not to worry, I have kept track of the important stuff, like appointments and medication)

I have been told I may have some ADD. Reading this site I find that both positive and negative signs describe me pretty well. Especially the completing tasks, organizing and focusing. I also agree with the positive traits.

So that explains it! :)

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