So October was not so great either, but I have high hopes for November. Marvin has been feeling pretty good since he came home from the hospital, plus we are having a nurse coming daily to give him antibiotics with an IV, plus a therapist also came by to give him pointers on doing some exercises to strenghten his legs and arms etc. He's been eating better and is enjoying going outside on the new ramp and breathe in the fresh air :)
Today was a pretty good day, the beautiful weather always makes me happy. I took Marv to dialysis, and after that I went to visit my friends at Jersey. I didn't stay too long but it was nice to see everybody and especially having so many of the kids that had me as a teacher come and hug me and tell me they miss me and wish they were back in kinder :D
I have also kept in touch with many of my exkinderkids in Facebook. I posted some Halloween pictures and they loved them, now I found more and more kids (well they are adults now) wanting to be friends and wanting pictures of them in kinder too.
In the evening I went to the Library, and it was one of those rare days when I found several books I wanted to read, now have to decide which one will be first, they all appeal me a lot!
November 1 is All Saints Day. In Spain they celebrate by going to the cemetery and visiting your dear departed, but is also a day where you eat yummy panellets, and roast chestnuts and just eat a lot of goodies. Here Mexicans also celebrate the day but in a different way, they make "Pan de muertos" which is like a sweet bread. I bought one and I am about to eat some with hot chocolate. Nice way to end the day (although probably the chocolate will keep me up all night) .
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