Friday, November 4, 2011

November 3- The Hawk

I was looking out at the backyard this afternoon and saw a bunch of birds flying into the orange tree, it looked like they wanted to hide. Then I went to the kitchen.

Marvin called me to come back and look outside, there was a hawk sitting by the handrail and he had just caught a bird and had him between his claws!

I hurried to take my camera and took a picture from the inside so it's not too clear, but if you click on it and make it bigger you can see the poor little bird :(

The hawk looked at me directly like daring me to do something, when I opened the door, he flew away still clutching the bird.

I have at times seen feathers on the grass and now I know why!


emtes said...

Wow what a powerful photo!
You have such a great birdlife in your backgarden. I do hope my favourite ones are still there?

RedRed said...

Wow! That's cool and disturbing all at once. Nature is fierce. Nice picture. Because of the handrail, the hawk had a place to rest after catching his dinner.