Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29 - 1955-56

I was talking to Tristan today, we talked about school, friends, sports, etc. I got to thinking about when I was his age, how teenagers have changed since then. We didn't have computers or cell phones or electronic games, but still we had the same growing pains. It's hard to be a teenager no matter when.
When I was 13, I was going to a private school a couple of blocks from home. It was called Centro de Enseñanza ALBA. There were girls and boys mixed, from 1st grade to
8th grade (well the Spanish equivalent).
I liked a boy named Paco who lived a few houses down from me and attended the same school and the same grade as I. He hated me!!! he threw little rocks at me on the way to school, he would push me and call me names. Everybody said that's because he liked me!
We had a Math teacher who was very young and good looking. All the girls were in love with him. I was his pet student because I was good at Math.
One day, and I don't exactly remember why, Paco got together with my sister Nuri, a friend of hers Montserrat, and a couple of the older boys, among them Luis, Paco's brother. They picked up some dog poop and put it in a box and wrapped it like a present, put a bow on it, and had Paco deliver it to the Math teacher, telling him it was a gift from me, because he was such a good teacher.
Well, let's just say he was not amused. I was called to the Principal's office, and there they were, the principal, the Math teacher, and Paco. I was totally clueless and had no idea why I was called.
When they told me what had happened, I guess they looked at my horrified face and decided I had nothing to do with it. They turned to Paco and grilled him and he cried like a wimp and told them what had happened.
After that, I just couldn't stand Paco anymore, I was the one throwing rocks at him, and he even came to me to apologize, but it didn't help. I was done with him.
I think he was my first puppy love, very one sided and short lived. But I still remember him, he was so good looking!
Paco Marco...are you in Facebook?? :)

November 29 - young teens

I was talking to Tristan today, about school, friends, sports, etc. I

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28 - Old movies

Lately, I have been watching some old movies. I am enjoying them a lot. Some of them I saw in Spain when I was growing up and is fun to see them in the original language English.
In Spain they dubbed foreign movies, I don't know if they still do. The funny thing is the same person would dub several American actors/actresses, and therefore they all had the same voice. It was quite a discovery when I came to the States and heard the different voices of the different actors lol.
Yesterday I saw the 1958 movie "Houseboat" with Cary Grant and Sophia Loren. When the movie was filmed, she was 24 and Cary was 54.
Another movie I watched was "7 Brides for 7 Brothers". One of the stars was Russ Tamblyn, I met him in Barcelona after the premiere of West Side Story. A couple of years ago I went with Lizzie to Long Beach to a poetry reading, and his daughter Amber Tamblyn was there too. I introduced myself to her and told her I had met her father years ago, she was mildly uninterested but in a nice way:)
I am fixin to watch a movie tonight, maybe a Esther Williams no, the queen of the bathing suits. Or perhaps a Doris Day one.I enjoyed their movies as a teenager.
I am pretty sure all that read this post are too young to remember any of these movies, but they were fun and innocent :)
This post makes me feel old lol

November 27 - Summer day

Today's temperature was 88 degrees at midday. What a beautiful November day! I wore shorts and a Tshirt all day. I went to the garden and watered my plants, the roses are blooming and the hummingbirds were buzzing around (unfortunately so were the wasps)!
Lizzie went back to San Diego today, it was so nice to have her here for a few days!

Only 34 days until 2012!!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 26 - Books are good

I went to the Library today. This month I have read 9 books so far, and the good thing is, I really enjoyed all of them.
There are certain authors I enjoy and some of them are fairly prolific and have written more than 1 book. If my Library doesn't have the books I want, I go online and check them out from the greater Los Angeles line of libraries, and it only takes a couple of days before I get them.
Today I got 4 books, and I think I will enjoy them all as well.
I love reading! I love books! I am the only hold out in the family with no reader although I could get them in my iPad if I was so inclined, but I like to hold a book in my hands when I'm reading at home. I think I might like to read with my iPad if I was traveling, it would be a lot easier than to carry books around.
I am happy we are a family of readers!
I finished reading the book in the picture and Lizzie borrowed it and read it while she was staying here, she just finished it. We both enjoyed it :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25 - The day after

It was a nice day, sunny and mild. Marv and Lizzie went out to do some errands and came home with puffy tacos for lunch.
The afternoon was mellow, watching TV, reading, a little gardening...
Lizzie and I went out to dinner to Carino's, we had a good dinner.
It was a nice day.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 24 - Happy Thanksgiving

We had a nice Thanksgiving day at home.
Lizzie and I prepared some appetizers while Marvin watched football and rested. I made spinach dip, Lizzie made deviled eggs, and we also had some jamon, chorizo and salchichon, and Brie with crackers.
Lizzie organized how to heat everything so it was all ready when we sat down to dinner.
Norbert got here by 4PM, and had some of the appetizers and watched football with Marv. Then we sat down to eat. We had roasted breast of turkey, mashed potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, roasted vegetables, dressing, cranberry orange sauce, gravy, and a big Cesar salad. We drank Cava, and had pumpkin pie and ice cream for dessert.
It was very good and we all felt really full by the time we left the table.
It was a time to say thanks for Marvin's recovery, for our daughters and their partners, our grandson, our family in California, Utah, Spain and Sweden, and our good friends.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 23 - Wednesday

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, time to give thanks for our many blessings.
Thanksgiving is a very American holiday. For some reason this year I felt like having a typical Thanksgiving meal, and that's what we are having. Since my turkey and dressing culinary skills are somewhat lacking, I ordered a dinner for 4-6 from a nice restaurant(as I already told you in a previous post)
I went to Claim Jumper to get the dinner for tomorrow, with instructions on how to cook/warm/fix the meal. It will be interesting, I am sure everything will taste super good :)
Lizzie will be coming over, she will stay until Sunday. It will be very nice to have her here. Jeff sent a nice note saying he wouldn't be coming but is looking forward to being here for Christmas :) Norbert will be our other guest. He's kind of goofy but a good friend, he keeps on insisting he will put the Christmas lights too, we'll see.
We will be missing Sandy and Tristan and Marty but they are spending Thanksgiving with his family in Pocatello. We were happy to have them here a few weeks ago when they built the awesome ramp.
Whether you celebrate or not, I hope all of my readers have a wonderful Thursday!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22 - TV shows

I think I like American Idol better than the X Factor. I haven't been watching a lot of it but was watching today, and I didn't care much for it. I also was watching some of Dancing with the Stars, it was the final show. I know Mia likes it so I won't say who won. I haven't been watching The Sing Off at all.
I think I am mostly bored by a lot of shows.
These are the shows I currently watch and enjoy:

The Big Bang Theory
Two and a half men
New Girl
Raising hope
Saturday Night Live (I've been watching it for 33 years)
The Amazing Race
America's Top Model
Project Runway
and lots of shows from HGTV and The Food Network :)

I may have missed one or two...

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21 - Monday

Just went grocery shopping. Marvin and I worked in the garage for a little bit..that's about all :)
I wanted to check the Swedish show Mia wrote about, and that's what I got! oh well :)
Let's see, maybe I should write an Haiku or something to make this post a little more hmm literary? OK I will!

Autumn is here
colorufl leaves fall
makes me happy

Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 20 -Autumn rain

It has been raining all day, just soft gentle rain, at times it rained quite heavily. It really looked like a Autumn day, I went to drop some books at the library and saw those pretty trees and had to take a picture.
It's been a nice quiet day. At night I felt like cooking and made arroz con pollo, I thought it tasted very good and it looked good too.
I hope your Sunday has been super nice too!

November 20 - Gentle Fall rain

Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 19 - Lizzie is 40!!!

Happy Happy Birthday, I hope all your birthdays are wonderful!
I read Lizzie's and Sandy's blogs, and I enjoyed reading them. What a nice way to remember your accomplishments and important events in your life, I am sure the next 40 years will be as blessed and full of wonderful things.
Because almost everything has been said, I decided to make a pictorial of Lizzie at 10, 20, 30 and 40. You are getting better all the time :)
Feliz cumpleanos Elisabeth Nuria Wann Perello!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18 - just another day

Nothing much has happened today. The plumber came later than they said he would so any things I had planned to do (grocery shopping and library) got put on hold.
Marvin has been walking around pretty well with just the cane, I am so glad he's feeling better :)
Both girls called tonight, Lizzie to say thanks for the Bday card, and Sandy to say she got home all right :)
I am about to order Thanksgiving dinner. I decided I didn't feel like cooking, but for some reason I was craving a traditional Thanksgiving meal, so I will order from The Claim Jumper http://www.claimjumper.com/include/files/HolidayPlatter.pdf
Lizzie will come over and maybe Jeff too, and I invited Norbert since he's not going to Las Vegas this year.

I reread what I wrote yesterday and was surprised at how many typos I made, oh well!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17 - Roto Rooter

Our kitchen sink has a tendency to back up, it's been like this for quite a while. If I was dishes, when I finish and drain the sink, it backs up in the other side of the sink a little bit. Well it has been getting progressively worse. I put some Drano in one side and it helped. Then a cpuple of days ago, Marvin put Drano on both sides of the sink, I didn't know about it. So when I ran some water, the whole thing backfired! I was also using the dishwasher at the time. In a matter of minutes there was water all over the kitchen floor. A mess. I didn't know how to turn off or close the pipe, Marvin tried to tell me but then the pipe that connects to the garbage disposal, came out and more water started spilling. I finally got the floor dry and put a big plastic container under the sink to catch any water. I, miracously, finally was able to put the pipe back where it was supposed to go and I was happy I was so clever. It took me a long time, believe me!
So tonight I decided to was a few dishes by hand, and started rinsing them in the sink, and the water was NOT going down, in fact I backed up in the other side and it was nasty!.
So tomorrow we have the roto rooter man coming! I'll be glad to see him!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16 - K-Team

Today I went to lunch with my kindergarten teacher friends. It was very nice seeing a lot of the children, they came and hug me (some teachers kept saying, just wave to Mrs. Wann) but noooo, they broke files and run to me..hee hee. I remember when I walked my kids to the cafeteria or something, sometimes we would see a parent or aide, and I would tell them, don't yell or run to them, just wave ;)
Anyway we went to our usual lunch place, Veracruz. It was nice to order a Margarita with my lunch! of course I passed it around and they all took healthy sips from it.
I had 2 tacos de pollo with rice and beans, was good but it really filled me up!
Afterwards I hung around a little and talk to some of my teacher friends, then went home and took a nap.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15 - 31-35 years ago

I was cleaning some drawers and found old diaries (I used to keep a daily diary for many years). Since I can't think of anything to write about today, I will succintly write on happenings on November 15, years ago.

Nov. 15, 1976 - Raining, made pea soup. Crocheted Barbie clothes.
Nov. 15, 1977 -Join TOPS (weight loss program). Weigh 178 lbs.
Nov. 15, 1978 -Had my hair cut, $5.50 plus tip.
Nov. 15, 1979 - Buy gifts for Lizzie's birthday:Ken, Barbie furniture, photo album, paint by number kit. She was turning 8 yrs old.
Nov. 15 -1980 - Go to see Sandy's basketball game at West Minico, won 21-20. Marvin sold floater for $2600

We were living in Burley ID during those years. It was cold!

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14 - Musings about the wedding

I have spent a fairly long amount of time looking at all the pictures of Monica and Xavi's wedding. Some from Aida, some from friends, some from Elvira, and some from Sonia. I think Sonia's pictures were the best ones.
I liked the picture of Nuri and her daughters,and I laughed at the ones of Nuri dancing with Sonia and with some young man, she always likes to dance and have fun lol. I thought Monica looked very happy, I liked her dress especially when she had the shawl over it. Sonia looked very pretty in her outfit with her hat, and Aida looked just like herself, is what I'd expect her to wear, with a matching Nacho. I liked the color of Nuri's outfit but didn't care much for how it was made, I don't think it flattered her, and I am not sure about the shawl, but the main thing is she looked well and happy. Better than I have seen her lately, I think the move is agreeing with her.
I really liked the place where they had the reception, as I said yesterday, I am going to post a photo of it. It's an old Catalan farmhouse, remodeled and made into a restaurant. So pretty :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13 - Nice day

Lizzie and Marvin went out today, to the bank, the Post Office and Stater Brothers. I think is the first time in a long while that Marvin went out to the store, he's doing so much better :) He and Lizziw fixed breakfast, chocolate chip waffles with bacon, nice!
For lunch, Lizzie asked for breaded pork, so I cooked that with asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. Here's a picture of Marv and Lizzie.
I checked some of the pictures Aida put on Facebook of her mother's wedding, they all look well and happy, I had to laugh at Nuri's dancing and talking up a storm, she has not changed much! I love the place where they had the reception, I will send a picture of it tomorrow.
Thanks Lizzie for a nice visit, and Sandy, enjoy your trip to California :) Love you all.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12 -Haircut, Lizzie and Cha Cha

It's time to get a haircut! I had an appointment for 2:30PM
I have been going to the same salon for a couple of years now, my stylist, Lauren, is very good, she's also very nice. Today I got a head and neck massage, aroma therapy and hair therapy, very relaxing, and a hand massage. Lastly I got a haircut. It's very cute I think, not too different from my last one, but my hair feels silky and shiny and smells wonderful :)
After I got home, Lizzie and I went to ChaCha's (her choice) as a pre birthday dinner. We both stuffed ourselves, but it was very good.
It was a nice relaxing rainy day :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 at 11:11PM

I like this date, nothing mcuh happened but it's a cool date.
Went to the doctor again today to talk about setting up surgery for Marvin (fistula)
In other news, the pick line came out today, yay! He also got his last dose of IV antibiotics.
I am feeling a little better but still not 100%.
Really nothing much to talk about :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10 - Good and Bad

The good things: We went to Dr. Crabtree and he removed the drain. Is very good not to have it hanging all the time and draining it daily. Tomorrow should be the last day for the antibiotics IV, but Dr Chiang will call and let us know for sure.

Another good thing, my niece Monica called me, she wanted to personally tell me about her wedding, she sounded happy and nervous. I also talked to her fiance Xavi 9 in catalan no less). He seems like a nice guy and I'm happy for her. She said thank you to the 3 of you that wrote in FB sending good wishes :)

Now for the bad. For the past couple days I've been having a pain in my left side, lower abdomen. I had something like this before and the doctor said it was gas. So I don't know it that's what it is, but it's pretty painful. Yesterday I moved some boxes in the garage and Marvin thinks maybe I pulled a muscle. The other bad thing, is I feel cold and chilly, I turned the temperature up and sleep for an hour after I took Marvin to hemo, and just now I woke up from another hour nap. Probably a cold.

Have a good Veteran's Day. I'm sure you will enjoy the day off!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9 - Smoke alarms

We are now the proud owners of 4 smoke alarms, plus 1 gas/monoxide alarm. Not being able to smell much I think it's a good idea.
Today was another beautiful Fall day, sunny and blue skies, with just a hint of coolness in the air.
Norbert, Marvin and I did some work in the garage, every day the pile gets a little higher but I have been throwing away a lot of stuff too. We also filled the birds feeders and in the morning while I was in the Jacuzzi I saw several hummingbirds happily drinking.
Norbert and I went for an early dinner to El Torito, I of course had a Cadillac Margarita, yum!
Tomorrow is back to the doctor, the same one that did the PD surgery, let's hear what he has to say. then Friday we'll go to a different surgeon to see if the pick line is ready to be removed.
In other news, I got an email from Sonia and she confirmed that Nuri sold her apartment in Platja (peluqueria) and got enough to buy a 1 bedroom apartment in La Bisbal. I hope she's happy there :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8 - Spanish family

My cousin Fernando and I email each other a couple of times a year, the other day he sent me a link of Barcelona which I posted in Facebook. It's a beautiful link, check it out :)

I wrote him back to thank him and he responded, telling me he had gone to Sonia's Mexican restaurant in San Feliu, and enjoyed it very much. He also wrote he was planning on visiting my mother in La Bisbal, he said she'd be surprised. Well, so was I!

I am assuming he meant Sonia's mother, i.e. Nuri, and if so I wonder if she sold her apartment in Platja and moved to La Bisbal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Bisbal_d%27Empord%C3%A0

Nuri and I keep in touch sporadically, I think I haven't heard from her or she from me since last Christmas or so, but Sonia writes me once in a while and she hasn't mentioned anything about it, so I am just wondering.

In other news, Monica is getting married on Saturday to her long time boyfriend Xavi. I wish them all the best, he seems like a nice man, he and his brother own a popular pizza place in Girona, and they seem to get along well. I am glad she has found a good man :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7 - chocolate pudding

First things first. We went to see the doctor today, she seemed pleased with the progress. We have to go to the surgeon on Thursday and see what he has to say. If all is well, they will take his pick line on Friday, no more home nurses coming every day. They all have been very nice, at the beginning they tried to teach us how to do it ourselves, after a couple of days, they gave up and just kept coming daily.

The days are getting cooler, it's starting to feel like Fall although it will probably get warmer again! at least no snow :)

When we got home , I had a craving for chocolate, I looked in the pantry and found a box of fudge chocolate pudding. It called for 3 cups of milk and I only had 2 cups, so I added 1 cup of half and half (richer and yummier) I also added some semi sweet chocolate pieces for that extra taste. It was YUMMY!!!! I don't want to know how many calories or sugar it had, it just tasted soo good, just what I was craving! It's OK to indulge sometimes :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6 - An update

It's hard to think of stuff to write every day, especially when nothing much is happening (as opposite of too many things going the last few weeks). I am not complaining.
Tomorrow we are going to the doctor to see what she has to say about the abdominal abscess and about continuing the antibiotic treatment. So far we have had a home nurse come daily to give the treatment and it has worked fine.
Marvin is feeling a lot better although he's still feeling weak. He's eating well and walking around with help from the walker. He even stands on his own for a while (he cooked breakfast today).
Norbert will be coming one day this week to installed a couple of smoke alarms and a carbon monoxide alarm, which is required by California law.
Have a good week everybody!

November 6 -

It's hard to write every day. There is not much going on, which is a good thing after too much going on the past few weeks!

Norbert was going to come by and put a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarms as to install them.required by California law. Since my sense of smell is pretty bad, it's a good idea to have smoke alarms -we installed one a long time ago but it never worked). We decided to wait till Wednesday.

Tomorrow we are going to the doctor and see what she has to say about the abdominal abcess

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5, Attention Deficit Disorder

I just finished reading Sandy's blog, and I reached an obvious conclusion: My husband and daughters are planners and organizers. I am not.
I make lists, and promptly lose them, or misplace them (I find my grocery list as soon as I get back from the store). I spend countless hours looking for things. I try to organize pictures, papers, documents etc. and although I really try, it just doesn't last.
When I worked at Jersey, I organized teaching units by the month, I always started the year knowing where everything was, but after a week or two, everything was upside down, because I never filed papers in the corresponding box and let things accumulate. For instance, If I looked for a Thanksgiving unit, I would find it in January. I of course would then have to create new units, which was good because I didn't like to do the same thing year after year, so maybe...

Because of Marvin being sick, it would be convenient for me to plan and organize. Lizzie told me to get a journal and write basically everything related to his care.
I got a journal, and wrote a few things, and told myself I needed to keep it up.
And I tried.
But I cannot find it.
(Not to worry, I have kept track of the important stuff, like appointments and medication)

I have been told I may have some ADD. Reading this site http://www.livingwithadd.com/ I find that both positive and negative signs describe me pretty well. Especially the completing tasks, organizing and focusing. I also agree with the positive traits.

So that explains it! :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4 - Rain

Rain on the green grass,

Rain on the tree,

Rain on the housetop,

But not on me!

November 3- The Hawk

I was looking out at the backyard this afternoon and saw a bunch of birds flying into the orange tree, it looked like they wanted to hide. Then I went to the kitchen.

Marvin called me to come back and look outside, there was a hawk sitting by the handrail and he had just caught a bird and had him between his claws!

I hurried to take my camera and took a picture from the inside so it's not too clear, but if you click on it and make it bigger you can see the poor little bird :(

The hawk looked at me directly like daring me to do something, when I opened the door, he flew away still clutching the bird.

I have at times seen feathers on the grass and now I know why!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2

Another beautiful November day.
Woke up pretty early and was busy all day, but thinking back, I really didn't do much.
I wanted to go in the Jacuzzi but I got sidetracked and forgot all about it.
Where did the day go?
And now, I was ready to scan some pictures, and my scanner decided it doesn't want to work anymore. What to do? Buy a new one or take one of Marvin's? (he has 2).
And that's about it for today.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1

So October was not so great either, but I have high hopes for November. Marvin has been feeling pretty good since he came home from the hospital, plus we are having a nurse coming daily to give him antibiotics with an IV, plus a therapist also came by to give him pointers on doing some exercises to strenghten his legs and arms etc. He's been eating better and is enjoying going outside on the new ramp and breathe in the fresh air :)

Today was a pretty good day, the beautiful weather always makes me happy. I took Marv to dialysis, and after that I went to visit my friends at Jersey. I didn't stay too long but it was nice to see everybody and especially having so many of the kids that had me as a teacher come and hug me and tell me they miss me and wish they were back in kinder :D

I have also kept in touch with many of my exkinderkids in Facebook. I posted some Halloween pictures and they loved them, now I found more and more kids (well they are adults now) wanting to be friends and wanting pictures of them in kinder too.

In the evening I went to the Library, and it was one of those rare days when I found several books I wanted to read, now have to decide which one will be first, they all appeal me a lot!

November 1 is All Saints Day. In Spain they celebrate by going to the cemetery and visiting your dear departed, but is also a day where you eat yummy panellets, and roast chestnuts and just eat a lot of goodies. Here Mexicans also celebrate the day but in a different way, they make "Pan de muertos" which is like a sweet bread. I bought one and I am about to eat some with hot chocolate. Nice way to end the day (although probably the chocolate will keep me up all night) .