Thursday, August 15, 2013

Home improvement in the neighborhood

It seems like a lot of neighbors want to improve their homes this month.

We are having "our" painter coming maybe next week. Most likely we will paint it to match the shed, blue with white trim.

Our neighbors Amy and Jose, will be painting theirs probably next week too. They chose  yellow with light brown trim. Their painter was supposed to give us an estimate bu he hasn't shown up yet, I jsut emailed him to tell him we got a painter already.

Robert, the neighbor across the street, and my main source of entertainment in the street, put his house up for sale. First by owner, then Century 21, and now some other realty. I asked him about it and he said most likely he will stay on?! In the meantime, he  just had his house painted. It's gray with white trimming. His next door neighbors, John and Evelyn are getting theirs painted too, by the same painter Robert used (he was way cheaper than all the others!).

And the neighbors in the other side of Robert, well we don't know. It seems the house has been sold, was in escrow, the termite people tented it, etc. But nobody has moved in yet, and there's no movement. We'll see.

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