Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Feet

Ever since my 30's, I never wore sandals that showed my toes, they were gross looking, and I never wore nail polish. I think the reason is  I wore high heels when I was in my  teens and early 20's. Stilettos at times, and it screwed up my feet. Then when living in Idaho, I had the car accident and shattered my left ankle, that also contributed to my foot looking weird.

I started going to the podiatrist last year and he was really helpful and told me what to do to keep my feet/toenails looking better.

I went to the podiatrist today. My feet look and feel smooth and refreshed. Like a baby's really!  My podiatrist recommended AQUAPHOR ointment for cracked heels, and of course Ben Gay for nail fungus (it worked).

Here's a picture. You may not think much of it, my toes are still stubby looking but my nails are awesome. I'm ready for some nail polish :)

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