I've been working doing report cards, also went to a couple stores, and bought me 2 tops. Marv went to weight watchers in the morning and got his 5 lbs loss star, way to go Marv!
Tonight I made a typical catalan dinner, croquetas, tortilla de patatas y cebolla and pa amb tomaquet. Like Lizzie said, many times, the simpler the better.
It was nice talking to Lizzie today and to know she and Jeff will be joining us for Christmas in Utah! :)
I also talked to my sis-in-law Mary, they are having Christmas in Dixon. Bettie and Lee and their 2 boys, plus Iris and Alexander and Cristina, Rick's girlfriend.
She also said, Lee and the boys remodeled her kitchen while Bettie was in Dixon, as a surprise! That was nice of them, and it was about time, that kitchen was a mess. I guess is not quite finished yet but I am sure it will be much much better, I am so happy for her.
Mary and Dewey are coming to Burbank the 3rd, and they will come and stay with us for a night or two. They are coming to bring the presents and get theirs ,
I invited them and Bettie and family to come to dinner Saturday or Sunday (they are leaving on the 7th) and au lieu of presents, I suggested we do a white elephant exchange, she thought it was a good idea, and will let me know after she talks to Bettie .
I am watching now the USC-UCLA game, it looks like USC might win. My principal and Jessica and her husbands are tailgating at the game, they are all rabid USC fans.
Tomorrow is El Clasico, Madrid-Barcelona, in Barcelona. I am going to follow it closely, I hope Barsa kicks Madrid's butt!!!!!
Hasse will watch too! He's so into Barca now when we have our Swede Zlatan Ibrahimovic playing for them.
I'm not interested in soccer but I hope Barca wins.
Have a good Sunday although I doubt you're up now.
Here's it's actually sunshine now!!!
But cold and black ice, many accidents.
Hugs Mia :-)
Your dinner looks delicious! I wish I was there!
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