Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

Today was a lovely day, weather wise. I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast, and then just kept on straightening things around. In the afternoon Norbert came over to help organize the garage so we could put the SSR inside. Marvin and I were outside helping as we could. We also cleaned the Jacuzzi and the fountain and filled them up. It was a good day's work. After that, Norbert and I went to put gas in the car and also stopped by Loews's and bought some flowers to plant. Back home, I got dinner ready...carbonades flamande over noodles, roasted vegetables, fresh French bread, and apple strudel. It was good, but I think he liked Marvin's meals better lol, but he ate quite a bit, as usual. Marvin was feeling weak but fine in the daytime, but as night time came, he was getting cold and was hurting. He's going to try to go to the doctor to have his catheter removed (not the PD one). And tomorrow, the social worker is coming over to check the premises, I hope she finds everything OK.

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