Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ready to watch a movie

Nothing much going on today. I was planning on doing some shopping, but other than going to Sam's and get some stuff I needed for the house, well I also went to Target, but bought nothing. In case you forgot, I am 100% allergic to shopping.

This month I've been watching a few different movies, one French, one German, one Spanish, last one I watched was "The One I Love"(2014) quite interesting. Right now I'm getting ready to watch a movie I've been wanting to see for a while. The girls saw it and they both liked it. It's "The Hundred Foot Journey".

So until tomorrow, sleep well or have a nice day :)


emtes said...

Well you are quite good at going with me shopping :-)
And why no Swedish films? There are some that are quite good :-)

Take care! Love you

Kteach said...

Hmm I haven't seen any Swedish films in the site where I find the movies. I have of course seen most Ingmar Bergmann movies but that's about it. They are pretty dark movies and I prefer comedies and romance, any of them in English or subtitles that you can recommend?