Monday, November 3, 2014

Election Day

Tomorrow is Election Day, go out and vote.

I don't much care to write here about politics because everybody in the family has a different leaning. I guess I would define myself as an independent with conservative fiscal tendencies and socially liberal for the most part. I don't like the far right or the far left. And I don't like the way California is going and I hope there will be some changes made.

I grew up under a dictatorship with Franco, and I didn't like it at all. But Spain is not doing well with Socialism, lots of unemployment, there's a lot of dissatisfaction with the current government. I am a Catalan, and on November 9, there was to be a referendum (like Scotland had) where Catalans would vote for or against Independence from Spain. Unlike UK, where they let the Scottish people have their voice heard, the Spanish government has forbidden the catalan people their right to vote for Catalan Independence. There will be some voting going on anyway and I am not sure what will happen. We will see. I hope it will be peaceful.

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