Sunday, November 2, 2014

Daily Posting

Since the girls are going to try to write daily, so will I.

Today was a really nice bright blue day, fresh air a little breeze in the low 70's. I like that although i wish we had some more rain. We also "fall back" for DST, it seems not too many people like it, but it is what it is! The day was so clear that you could see Catalina Island from the pier really well.

I decided to do some Fall Cleaning, which means I bring boxes with "winter" clothes from the shed and wash them and then I put the "summer" clothes away. Most of the clothes I have are "all season" but is a good way of checking and discarding (and yes, I am discarding!)

I found a clever costume somebody used for Halloween, easy and fun:

I've been taking Lulu out a lot, she always does her business outside when I take her out. I do it after she eats, after she drinks, and about every hour or so. And still...I got so mad at her tonight, she peed under the dining room table and on the carpet as well!!!! I moped right away, and chastised her and I am not liking her very much at this time. I give her a treat everytime she does it outside and praise her etc. She was very good for the first 2 weeks and now we are back to her doing as she pleases. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

I think that's it for today. I will try again tomorrow :)

1 comment:

emtes said...

I just love your photo from Huntington beach and Catalina island which I have never seen!!
Here it seems so close.
I'm well but very busy and haven't had time to write much on my blog. I will try to better but it's hard because I'm so tired when I get home and this is the time I take before I go to bed.
I do read all your blogs and try to answer now and then but I check them every day.
Take care and big hugs to you all
Love you!!