Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I know that comes as no surprise, but it is Fall in Southern California. By this I mean we have warm days and cool nights. The days are short and it gets dark by 4:30PM, but I guess I shouldn't complain about it because it gets a lot darker (and colder) in Sweden.

It will be Thanksgiving in a couple of days. Today we took 2 dozen muffins to the dialysis clinic, to thank the staff for the care they give their patients. Marvin and I are grateful for their professionalism and for making him feel comfortable .

This year it will just be us. He goes to dialysis at 10AM and will be done by 3PM. As you all know, we are not very traditional at Thanksgiving. Sandy is having some of Marty's family over, and Lizzie and Jeff will have some of his family over. I invited Norbert but he's going to Las Vegas.

Of course I had not decided what to have, I just didn't feel like cooking, and we wouldn't go to a Restaurant because is dialysis day. Yesterday we went to Costco, and I found something that is traditional plus it doesn't entail cooking...here it is!

Roast turkey breast with turkey sausage and cornbread stuffing. It's already cooked all it needs is to heat it up. I will make fresh mashed potatoes and green beans and I will bake a chocolate meringue pie, and we also have fruitcake. I will let you know how it comes out :)

I will sign off for today with a picture of one of my rose trees in bloom taken today.

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