Tuesday, June 3, 2014

King Felipe VI

Surprising a lot of Spaniards, King Juan Carlos of Spain abdicated 2 days ago in favor of his son Felipe. He will be crowned June 18th and will be known as King Felipe VI, and his wife Letizia will be the Queen.

It's funny because a lot of newspaper comments are more about Letizia (meet your new favorite royal) and her daughters, they certainly are a photogenic family.

Sofia and Leonor

The monarchy in Spain is not very well liked. Spain is in crisis and he people of Spain want a referendum to choose either the monarchy or a republic. Many wonder what will happen with the Catalans and their referendum for Independence.

Kings and Queens are merely figure heads, some European countries love their King and Queens (England, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands to name a few). Some European countries don't have monarchs anymore (France, Italy, Greece for instance).

In the last couple of years, some Kings have abdicated in favor of their sons, Netherlands and Belgium come to mind, and some like England will take a long time maybe even the death of the Queen before Prince Charles and Camille become King and Queen.

I will be following the saga of the Borbons and what's happening in Spain very carefully.

1 comment:

RedRed said...

The new Queen looks a little like Cindy Crawford in that photo. I don't know if she is my new fav royal, though. The girls are cute.