Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Paris Apartment

I am reading a book called "A Paris Apartment, by Michelle Gable (her first book). I chose the book mainly because I liked the title and the book cover.

As I was reading it, I had a feeling of deja vu, like I had heard of something like this before. Sure enough, I searched Google and found this article from a year ago:

The book takes place now and also during the Belle Epoque, it's about a woman from Sothebys that goes to Paris to check the apartment furniture, paintings, etc. and about the woman that lived there in the 1800's.

It also reminds me of the movie Midnight in Paris, the part where Adriana chooses to stay in the Paris of the 1890's

It's interesting to read about the apartment and what was in it and then read the article and see the real apartment, furniture etc. Even the portrait of Marthe de Florian, which is a big part of the book.

A review from the San Diego Uniion Tribune says...""...a richly concocted plunge into the worlds of Marthe de Florian and an imaginary Sotheby's auctioneer named April...Gable's Paris of today and yesteryear are worlds that are easy and pleasurable to get lost in."--The San Diego Union-Tribune

I am enjoying reading this book.

~~~Good guesses Marvin, but Sandy  was right. It was King of Pop!~~~

I'll post another picture tomorrow :)



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