Sunday, November 2, 2008


I am not crazy about going shopping. Basically, I only go shopping when I have to buy something specific. But for the last 2 weeks, I had the pleasure of shopping with my daughters :)
Last week L and I went shopping, she got some pants, tops and shoes. This week it was S and I, we went to the same store and she got some tops and shoes. It was fun shopping with my daughters, and seeing them trying things and finding something they liked (I found nothing for myself in either trip lol). I miss doing things like that with them more often, but we all live in different places and is hard to coincide, that's why it's always such a treat when I see them, especially if we do something together. Next week it will be shopping with T, he's going to stay with us while his school is off track.

Today is All Saint's Day in Spain. People go to the cemetery and adorn graves and basically party with the dead, like a holiday. There's special sweets called "panellets" usually made with pinenuts, yum. Say a prayer for your departed loved ones.

Tomorrow is back to work. Happily, parent teacher conferences are over!

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