When I got home from work, every muscle in my body was aching. T asked me if I wanted to play basketball one on one, I said maybe in a little while. I went to my room and I swear I could hear my bones creaking. My first impression was, I might be catching another cold, but then it came to me! It was the Loopty Loo!!!!
This year, our principal told us we have to have 20 minutes P.E. every day as per California standards. We are being evaluated on it too. Today we did the Loopty Loo, a newfangled version of the old favorite. 30 minutes of non stop jumping, clapping, bending, stretching...well you get my drift. The kids loved it and were having fun, I got into it too (after all I have to model), and now, my out of shape body is telling me I should proceed slowly next time :)
Let's see...I think tomorrow we'll do the Tooty Tah.
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