Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Maybe it is because I don't like to shop, but I cannot understand how seemingly normal people will go to a store at midnight and wait for a few hours in the cold, along with many other people, until the store opens. And then they trample into the store with total disregard for anybody else in search of a few bargains!

Of course, I didn't go to a single store today. I spent some time getting my report cards started, and just hanging around and catching up. Instead of leftovers, M opted for the traditional Friday fare of Taco Bell for lunch and In'n'Out for dinner. Delish.

And so it goes....

1 comment:

emtes said...

I miss Fridays with you and Inn'and out burgers :-( We certainly don't have them here.
Hugs and kisses :-)