Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Turrones :)

I didn't do a lot today, but in the morning I went to Marshalls  looking for some chocolates and turrones from Spain. They didn't have a lot, but I bought some truffles, and a big bar of dark chocolates with hazelnuts, and a package of 3 turrones.

I also got a big bone for Lulu. She won't chew on it unless L or I are in the room with her, if we are all in the room it makes her extra happy!

Oh and I also got me a new pillow. Is called Essence of Bamboo. I turn around so much that all my pillows lose their shape after a few nights, then I have to wash them and fluff them and I get tired of doing it.  I hope I like this one!

Tonight I made boiled and fried red potatoes and chicken and ham croquetas, they were good just a tad too salty ;)  We also had our weekly call with Sandy. I hope her cold gets better!

Tomorrow N is supposed to come by and take me to Costco to buy another fruitcake and some Spanish jamon de bellota, yum! I don't have a Costco membership anymore, just Sam's and they don't carry products from Spain hmpf!

1 comment:

RedRed said...

Look at you, writing every day!!