Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Just another Tuesday

I slept well with my new pillow!

I think I've mentioned that I have very vivid dreams, very specific ones, full of colors and details. Maybe I'll share some of my random dreams in this blog :)

I called N yesterday to see if he could come up at take me to Costco yet again, of course he said yes, but he had other stuff to do and didn't get here till almost 4.  I had told L we'd go have lunch but then we didn't so she ended up cooking some chicken sausage and cheesy rice for herself. I was thinking N and I would go have something to eat after shopping.

 Costco was a bust! They didn't have the jamon de bellota I wanted, actually they didn't have anything I had in my shopping list (in my head) but I got another fruitcake. I also got 3 lbs of pistachios -yes, I'm addicted- and 2 boxes of frozen Indian food  that I hope Lizzie likes as well. N did a lot of shopping, big time, I was surprised! lots of fruits and vegetables, two big salmons a case of beer etc. 

After that I was so hungry I didn't feel like having an hour discussion about where to go to eat so I suggested we had  a sausage or something outside Costco. They used to have Polish sausage that was pretty good but now they only had hot dogs, so N bought some chicken and cheese  roll contraption. I only ate half of it and I'm pretty sure I won't have it again, but at least it stopped the hunger pains.

Time for bed now. G'night!! Oh wait is only 11 :)

1 comment:

RedRed said...

the Polish sausage at Costco is no more? Sad day.