Monday, November 11, 2019

November cleaning

Saturday I couldn't sleep. I kept on thinking about stuff and it made me restless and unable to just tell my brain to calm down and let me sleep. I finally slept at 4:45AM  Among the things I was thinking about was to clean and organize the garage.

Lizzie has been a great help and did her stuff in record time. But I have to go box by box and  decide what to throw away, what to give to Goodwill/recycle, and what to keep. It is stressful for me because things that don't mean anything to "you" bring back memories and are hard to give up. I have a box called miscellaneous, L calls them knick knacks. Some stuff is really easy to say trash them, or give them away, but other stuff is much harder to , stuff I have kept during the 54 years I've lived in the US. I have got pretty emoiional a few times, even writing about it brings tears to my eyes.

Anyway yesterday I had a piece of "brownie" so I would be mellow and wouldn't think so much about keeping stuff . It worked OK and I got rid of quite a bit of stuff. But then I got sleepy -remember I didn't sleep much the night before- and didn't feel like doing more so I had a late lunch and we decided to continue on Monday.

Trophies of 4H  for Tippi and her handler Sandy

Monday we did a lot more. Now you can see empty shelves in the garage! Lizzie organized the boxes of things I've kept , we've also put stuff together that were in different boxes, like "office supplies"  "electronics" "health supplies" etc. We'll keep working on it .

There's still a lot to do. We have about 7 boxes of Christmas things! Of course the left side of the garage has not been touched. That's for another time.

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