Sunday, November 3, 2019

Daily postings? hmm maybe

Last night I went to Santa Monica with L, to see Steve Polz. I enjoyed more than I thought I would. He's very fun and energetic and I could understand his words when he talked and sang.  Sometimes depending on who the singer is, I cannot really understand all the words, or maybe I'm not interested enough and get distracted.

Today is All Souls Day and I lit a candle and put two roses in a vase next to Marvin. I like having him at home rather than having to go to a cemetery. I think it was a much better choice.

Today L went for one of her walks, and of course Lulu and I stayed sleeping until I woke up  because of some noise outside. It was hail!!! It only lasted for a few minutes and I got up and look at it, then went back to bed.  It didn't hail where L was walking.

Later on I went to the Neighborhood Market and did some shopping. I got a rotisserie chicken and made chicken salad for lunch.

In the afternoon I did some gardening, pulled out some geraniums and trimmed a few blooming plants, then I watered the front and back lawns.  For dinner we had fried potatoes and eggs, simple but tasty. Lulu ate my egg white since I only like the yolk :)

N called me a couple of times to tell me some jokes, ha! he's a poor joke teller but he tried :D

That's about it for today!

1 comment:

RedRed said...

Eggs and potatoes are my favorite comfort food.