Monday, January 5, 2015

Los Reyes Magos

Today was a beautiful day, blue skies, 79F, and I could see the snowy mountains from Beach Blvd.
Tonight is the night of Epiphany. It is celebrated in Spain and is the day that gifts are given to all the good gils and boys. Nowadays Santa Claus puts on an appearance in December 25, so some people get double gifts. Like my daughters ;)

Since the Reyes Magos are too far away to bring me presents, I have made a point of getting myself something, just for me. In 2009 I got my Mustang, a couple of years ago I got an iPad, and the next an iPhone. Today I decided to go shopping and I was all gung ho to get myself something nice, but had no idea what. I went to Sam's and walked up and down, but nothing caught my eye, I did buy a set of sheets, but it doesn't count. The I went to WalMart to return a pair of jeans Marvin had bought, while there I looked around and again nothing caught my eye, but I bought a can of compressed air to clean my keyboard. From there I went to Rubio's and had a yummy fish taco. Next door was a Verizon store and I thought I would see about upgrading my iPhone, but I didn't have my password so I just looked around. I will probably get an iPhone5 which will cost me $135 more, we'll see. But it has Siri, and I thought it would be fun, the salesgirl show me how it worked and the b#$% siri didn't understand my accent! :(

I went to a couple of clothes stores but I left without trying anything, I sure was not in the mood. Shopping doesn't make me happy, it tires me and makes me grumpy. I also looked at a bigger TV to replace my 18" by my computer, but a bigger one would not fit the space.

When I got home, my next door neighbor was outside putting some stuff bythe curb, they had bought a new dining room set and were getting rid of the old one. I looked at it and I liked the chairs, I've been wanting a chair to replace the old one I've had for years, so  she said sure go ahead and take it, take them all, also a set of TV trays (wooden ones). I didn't have use for the table so I left it there and she helped me put the  chairs in the garage. They are from Ikea :) Next time we have people over those chairs will come in handy.

I think I found my WORD. I think.


Pappy1 said...

She was putting them by the curb. I like the chairs.

RedRed said...

Did I miss it? What's the word?