Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Busy time

I haven't written for a few days or done an update. So here it goes.

I enjoyed having Tristan here, we talked a lot and enjoyed his company, then Sandy and Lizzie came and I was happy to have them here, Lizzie got a bad migraine on Sunday and that was sad :(  then Monday morning we went to the airport and Sandy and Tristan flew back home. So is back to just the two of us, and Lulu that wondered where everybody went.

Now about Norbert...he is now in a nursing home in Santa Ana, last time I saw him he was at Kaiser in Anaheim. Today I went to see him, of course Eva was there. He was more aware and he seems to have some selective memory, some things he remembers, something he does not. He seemed pretty aware of where he was, but seems to have forgotten he was in a hospital and therefore he doesn't remember me being there or Eva or any of other friends that went to see him.

He was very rude to Eva, he said -and she was sitting right there- that she doesn't do anything, or help him in any way, and that I should drive her back to Las Vegas!? He remembers Crista and says they are going to get married, but is going to take 4 months (at least) and he loves her, blah blah. Her uncle was there yesterday and brought the iPad so he could talk to the girl and have a face to face. Eva was extremely upset about it, because he waited til she left before doing the iPad thing. She dislikes him and the whole thing and blames him and Crista for what happened to Norbert. He had been biking from Huntington Beach to Long Beach almost every day day (20 miles each way), and dieting, so he could be in top shape for her. The day he fell he had done the bike trek and had not had breakfast, so he may have fainted.

Anyway, he's going home tomorrow. Acaretaker (a Filipino man) is going to move in the house, and Eva is going to be there too at least until October, depending on how he's doing. He's so ready to go home, but he's very weak, has lost a lot of weight, and clearly he's still not himself. I think he's going to give Eva a hard time, and viceversa. She babies him too much and also she's mad about him still wanting to get together with "his wife". Plus both of them are worried about, what else? MONEY. That bothered me, that should be the last of their worries. I said I would go visit on Friday, see how he did the first day.

Tomorrow I'm having lunch with Jennifer.

You all take care. Love you!

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