Tuesday, August 5, 2014

5 star hotel? no!

Today I went to visit N at the new hospital in Anaheim. It's big, new, and awesome. The lobby compares to a high class hotel, it even has a grand piano. The reception is nice and everything is new and sparkling clean. All room are single with a bathroom. N is in ICU and has a large room with a window from ceiling to floor with a nice view of trees and sky. I also went to the Cafeterian and is large and well appointed. I was impressed, the floors are all so shinyt I was afraid I was going to slip and slide.

N was awake and of course Eva was there. I asked him if he knew who I was and he said yes, Josefa Perello Wann, it was funny. He can sit up and walk unsteadily to the bathroom, he eats well (spoon fed by Eva much to my annoyance, she treats and talks to him like a baby). He doesn't remember what happened yet and when I was leaving I said that I'd be back in a few days and he said he wouldn't be ther, he said he'd be home. The nurse in charge said there's nothing physically wrong, is all in his head so he may not be elegible for a nursing home because it's mainly for physical rehab. They advised to take him to an assisted living place, or home with a caretaker. He needs somebody to be with him 24/7 for as long as it takes which is hard to say how long in trauma cases. I think Eva is going to retire and hire a caretaker to help with him.
In an ironic twist. The caretaker might well be a Filipino woman that was recommended by N's neighbor Tom, the fireman :)

At home things are going well. T came to my room last night and he talked for well over an hour :). Tomorrow he wasnt to go to Barnes and Noble and that's what we'll do

I loved looking at the pictures Sandy posted in FB, great! BTW I heard on the radio that people going to the concert need to be there early because of lack of parking, they said anybody that gets after 4 will have to park at least a mile away. Sandy did you get tickets for the shuttle? Did you look for a Motel?

It'll be so nice to have the girls and grandson with us this weekend :) How about you Mia, want to come over? is not as hot as in Sweden! ;)

Going to bed now, I am pretty tired. Love you all.


emtes said...

I would come over in a second if I could. This weather is now humid to the point it's almost like a jungle here.
I'm glad to hear that Norbert is doing better but I must say I don't understand the extent of his injury.
I'm so happy for you that T is visiting. You have to say hi from me and give him a hug if it's OK with him :-)
Hugs for you and Marv too
Love you

RedRed said...

I have been unable to get tickets for a shuttle. Ticketmaster says they are not available for any number of reasons. Still working on it, though. Also, I have not looked for a motel. I am sure we will drive back and it will be fine.