Friday, September 23, 2016

Sept. 23-A year ago

After saying goodbye to Platja, we had a nice lunch in 
Santa Cristina de Aro, 

Sonia  drove us back to Barcelona and to our next  apartment at Carrer Arago.
 This is a view from the balcony.

The building was old but the Apartment was very nice and modern. The bathroom was nice too but NO water pressure!

Small elevator and funky stairs

That night we met my cousin Franc for dinner at another great old Restaurant called Can Pitarra

Translation upon request.

 This restaurant was the home of Frederich Soler, AKA Pitarra a celebrated Catalan poet and playwright

It was fun to meet my cousin Franc  after all these years and listen to his world adventures.
And having good food (more anxoves, amd Cava)