Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sept 21 and 22 -Last year

I'm going to combine the 21st and 22, since I was too late getting started.

Here's some of the best moments of the 21st :

- Waking up to a gorgeous sunrise.

-Having lunch in a beautiful restaurant with magnificent views, with Sonia, Eric, Nicole and us 3.

-Meeting my sister after 15 years. And singing with her.

-Meeting Monica and her daughters Aida and  Irina

-Getting the family portrait that is now hanging in my living room.

Here's some of the best moments of the 22nd:

-The Mediterranean

-Going by my mother's apartment. Bittersweet memories.

-Having my huge blister lanced and bandaged

-Going to San Feliu and meeting Willie

-Spending our last night in Santa Cristina and having Eric fix us a great dinner

I was a little melancholy when I walked around by myself before we left. 
I missed not being with mama y papa.  
I was proud of myself to let bygones be bygones with Nuri. She will not change and for better and for worse, she's my sister. 
I wish I had been able to walk more and get in the water, but my blister was hurting a lot. 
