Friday, September 30, 2016

September recap

In general, September has been a good and very hot month

I went to my hair salon and I was very satisfied with the results (that doesn't happen often)

We went to San Diego to see Lizzie's place. She lives in a really nice condo in a great area of San Diego, we took
a long walk with Lulu too.

Both Marvin and I felt pretty good all month, we both went to our respective podiatrists, and we also got our flu shots.

We ate out a few times and it was nice.

Here's the movies I watched this month:

And here's the books I read:


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sept. 27- A year ago-Last day

Sonia and Eric took us to the airport. I couldn't even get an ensaimada because it was too early in the morning and the panaderia was closed. Lots of hugs, and some tears at the airport. The ending of a wonderful trip.


If you drink water from the Canaletas fountain,
forever you will be in love with Barcelona.
No matter how far away you go,
you will always return.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sept 26 - Last day in Barcelona (a year ago)

I should say last full day in Barcelona. A wonderful trip was coming to an end, but I can honestly say we did a lot in those 12 days and everything went smoothly and we enjoyed every minute.

The girls had tickets to go inside the Sagrada Familia, they loved it. I stayed in the apartment and packed and had some quiet moments thinking of everything we did, and people we saw, and food we ate. I think I might have shed a tear or two.

When they got back to the apartment, we went for a  walk  all the way down Passeig San Joan to El Born, passing by Plaza Tetuan, Arc of Triumph, Ciudadela Park, to El Born. a distance of only 1.5 miles  ( I would have thought it was a much longer distance)

I wanted to have something to eat in El Born area but the outside cafes were full or closed., so we headed back to the apartment but we stopped at a bar  called Snack 55 and had some tapas and of course Sangria Cava,

Back to the apartment to finish packing and wait for Sonia and Eric. They would stay and sleep in the apartment and take us to the airport in the morning.

It was raining a little and a couple of places we wanted to go were already closed, so we stopped in a little bar and had drinks and some food. Nobody enjoyed the food but I liked
 my ensalada catalana.
I don't know if Sandy's sad face was because we were leaving the next day or because she didn't like her food. Or a bit of both.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sept. 25 - a year ago

The doctors in Catalunya have been great. I went for a final check up this morning and my blister is all healed, but still sore.

 Doctor's Offices

Oh how I miss ensaimadas con cabello de angel!~

Getting ready to go to Sitges

 The church in Sitges
Here's me chatting with some painters :)

Lunch in Sitges, gazpacho , calamares and Cava sangria

Back in Barcelona, we stopped to look  at some amazing buildings in Passeig de Gracia

Casa Lleo Morera, Casa Amatller, Gaudi's Casa Batllo

We ended the day with a tapas dinner at Restaurant Rene

It was another lovely day :)

A little bit of Catalan history..
 In September 1973 the 25 year old anarchist militant, Salvador Puig Antich was wounded during a shootout with Guardia Civil on the pavement just outside the bar.
In March 1974, despite pleas for clemency by the Vatican and other international entities, Salvador Puig Antich became the last person to be executed by the garotte. (garrote vil) under the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Sept 24 - a year ago

September 24th is a big holiday in Barcelona. Check it out:

Downtown Barcelona had a lot of festivities going on., I'd have liked to go to some of them but everything was so crowded, we decided to follow our plan and go to Sagrada Familia, the iconic temple in Barcelona created by Gaudi.

I knew there was a churreria close to Sagrada Familia, it's a small one but the churros were delicious!

We went down to the crypt, I had never been there and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 
This is San Jose my namesake.
and Gaudi's tomb
We spend a long time viewing the church and the gift shop, walked ack home to get ready to go to my cousin's Ferran's house for lunch.
It was nice seeing Merce again and her daughter and grandaughter. The paella was amazing.

Later on the girls went to Parque Guell. I stayed at the apartment and watchedhe Merce festivities in TV. When they came home, they were tired from the long walk, so they went to get ham and bread and we had sandwiches for dinner and watched TV

 PS I knew there was going to be a lot of walking at Parque Guell so I chose not to go. I was going out for a walk around the neighborhood but I was afraid I couldn't get the door open to get back in, as we had a little problem earlier on.

Here's a picture of the reflection of the Sagrada Familia spires in rain puddles.

 I didn't take it but it's great picture.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Sept. 23-A year ago

After saying goodbye to Platja, we had a nice lunch in 
Santa Cristina de Aro, 

Sonia  drove us back to Barcelona and to our next  apartment at Carrer Arago.
 This is a view from the balcony.

The building was old but the Apartment was very nice and modern. The bathroom was nice too but NO water pressure!

Small elevator and funky stairs

That night we met my cousin Franc for dinner at another great old Restaurant called Can Pitarra

Translation upon request.

 This restaurant was the home of Frederich Soler, AKA Pitarra a celebrated Catalan poet and playwright

It was fun to meet my cousin Franc  after all these years and listen to his world adventures.
And having good food (more anxoves, amd Cava)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sept 21 and 22 -Last year

I'm going to combine the 21st and 22, since I was too late getting started.

Here's some of the best moments of the 21st :

- Waking up to a gorgeous sunrise.

-Having lunch in a beautiful restaurant with magnificent views, with Sonia, Eric, Nicole and us 3.

-Meeting my sister after 15 years. And singing with her.

-Meeting Monica and her daughters Aida and  Irina

-Getting the family portrait that is now hanging in my living room.

Here's some of the best moments of the 22nd:

-The Mediterranean

-Going by my mother's apartment. Bittersweet memories.

-Having my huge blister lanced and bandaged

-Going to San Feliu and meeting Willie

-Spending our last night in Santa Cristina and having Eric fix us a great dinner

I was a little melancholy when I walked around by myself before we left. 
I missed not being with mama y papa.  
I was proud of myself to let bygones be bygones with Nuri. She will not change and for better and for worse, she's my sister. 
I wish I had been able to walk more and get in the water, but my blister was hurting a lot. 


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Sept 20-a year ago

 We said goobbye to my old neighborhood...

and went on to Platja D'Aro, stopping at Sonia's house 
in Santa Cristina for lunch

She fixed a lovely lunch, then we headed to our apartment in Platja.

~We stopped to pay our respects to my mom and dad. ~

The apartment had a wonderful view

We were happy. We had a snack, a walk, 
and dinner with Sonia and Eric

It was great being in Platja d'Aro after all these years!