I just had to post this. Today Barcelona soccer team became the European champions by defeating Manchester united 2-0. I watched part of it in my class online and I was clapping hands a whooping it out and the kids got in the mood too . I told them if Barsa won we'd have a party tomorrow :)
In other news, Marv and I went to talk to the retirement counselor. After talking things with Marvin we decided for sure I will be working next year, with a chance of going another year if everything is well. We'll see. Because I changed careeers (so to speak) at 38, I don't have as many years of service as other teachers that become teachers in their 20's.
After seeing the counselor, we went to Acapulco's Happy Hour to celebrate my team's victory with 2 Margaritas, and chips and salsa. Ole!
Good for you! Congratulations on Barcas win. Hasse also cheers for them so he's happy too.
Love you
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