Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Lights

I think I mentioned that I asked Jennifer to help me put the lights around the house since Norbert is in no shape to climb ladders...well Sunday my next door neiughbor was putting his lights up and offered to do ours. I said yes thank you! He did a good job and fast.

I called Jennifer and told her the lights were up already, but she will be coming Wednesday after school and help me to maybe rearrange some furniture and string some lights inside the house. After we'll go to dinner and she will spend the night here, and surely keep me up in her soap opera life :)

A few other things in my agenda this week, I want to go get my hair cut and I am already anxious about it, I really don't like to go to the salon since my stylist left. Maybe I'll try a different place. Also I want to call the Merry Maids and make an appointment to get my house clean(er). And of course Lizzie is coming this weekend, maybe she can help me decide on menus and stuff when everybody is here :)

I have been watching some Christmas movies, most of them I have already seen. My favorites are National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Love Actually, White Christmas, and this one.... do you know which one it is?