Thursday, October 9, 2014

This and That

I haven't been feeling great this week, I had my flu shot but I caught a cold, sniffles, runny nose, sore throat, ear hurts, some fever etc. Nothing major, just made me feel run down and all I wanted to do is lay down and nap. Also the left side of my neck and shoulders have been giving me some problems, a touch or arthrities I think, it hurts to lift my arm and turn my head, it may have something to do with my cold maybe.

I went to Jersey a week ago and some of "my" kids came running and hug me, a little boy asked me if I knew DC and I said, yes he was my student in Kinder, and he smiled and said, he's my daddy. Cute, and so is his dad :) Maybe I caught a cold from all the kiddies, that happened a lot when I was teaching.

Wednesday the 10th I stayed up till 4:00AM looking at the full lunar eclipse. I find eclipses very awesome, I took pictures but my iPhone doesn't like nighttime. Somebody in La Mirada took an awesome picture, here it is:

While I was at Jersey I talked to my friends, Jennifer is back with Jason, surprise NOT! She really didn't tell me I had to get it out of her lol, I guess she didn't need to hear what I wanted to say, so I didn't say anything, only told her I hope she's happy, she said yeshm.

Norbert is doing OK, got his new Jacuzzi, has been working on his stuff, boat, trailers, pick ups etc and I told him he's doing too much too soon, but he doesn't listen, last night he called me and said his body ached, his head hurt, even his teeth hurt. I was not sympathetic.

Our neighbors across the street, John and Evelyn, both in their 80's, have sold their house and moved to Temecula where they bought a ranch. The house has been bought by 2 brothers, one is a professor, the other is a mechanic specializing in motorcycles, he's from Idaho. I hope they are good neighbors. This year we have had 3 new neighbors in the houses right across from us.

Marvin and I have decided to do some remodeling in the house. First thing is take off the carpet, and put new carpet in the living room and hallway, and pergo (is not really pergo but I can't think of the name) in the dining room and entryway. Lulu still has her share of "accidents" and even though i cannot smell, I'm pretty sure it does. Plus the stains! We want a new floor that should be easy to clean and a carpet that will be pet safe.

I guess that's about it for now :)

1 comment:

emtes said...

Oh no she isn't!! But that is just what you said when she talked about it when I was there. Too bad because that didn't sound very nice!
I hope N will listen to you more so he don't get any back setbacks.

Sounds really nice with the remodelling. You have to post photos!

Hugs from your sis Mia <3