Saturday, October 18, 2014

New floor

We decided it was time to change the carpet, especially around the dining room. Lulu is an adorable dog, but -OK my fault- not so well trained. She
s doing better, but still has her "accidents" and we thought life would be easier, and more pleasant, if we put tile, or whatever is called, in the dining area and the entrance area. We chose a darker colored variegated wood look alike, it goes well with the oak furniture. The carpet is sort of brown and it goes better with our furniture than the one we had. We've been thinking of updating our furniture, I wanted some smaller chairs so we get more space, but they are not very comfortable (Lizzie and I tried many). We'll see.I also want to redo the small bathroom, but maybe not right away, I am exhausted lol. It'll be a while before everything goes back where it was, I have to sort out what I want to keep etc. Dusting, washing, organizing etc. not my favorite thing to do.

Only 13 days to go to Halloween. I miss not being in Kindergarten, Halloween used to be so much fun, I dressed up and so did the kids, and we had a parade and we had parties. Of course now they don't do that anymore :(

Tonight I will be watching "Hocus Pocus", I have never watched it, and I think it will be fun! I am going to watch Halloween type movies some of the days leading up to Halloween although I don't think I will watch any of the really scary ones!


Pappy1 said...

Great cat!!!!!!!

RedRed said...

The flooring looks nice.

Lizzie said...

I love the dining room floor! I think you'll like it much better. Can't wait to see everything this weekend.

Also, did you like "Hocus Pocus"? It's more of a kid movie, but I love it. I watch it every year.

emtes said...

I really like the carpet and the flooring. Very nice!!
Puss och kram from Mia