Sunday, October 12, 2014

TDBS and ..Who Are You?

Yesterday my computer had The Dreaded Blue Screen. I spent all day trying to get it fixed, virus scan, malware scan, disk scan, start in safe mode, etc. etc. After many many hours, countless moments of frustration, I was ready to buy another computer bit I DON'T WANT a windows 8. Is hard to find a new Winbdiws 7 but I did. However, today I started checking things again, and the culprit was a corrupted something or other in my Google Chrome. Now myt computer is running smoothly but I lost all my settings etc. Oh Well, at least is all nice and clean.

And so is my Jacuzzi. It's been out of order for about 2 months, but it's been so hot that I really was not going to use it anyway. Yesterday I had a repairman come and fix it: FL1 anybody? The filters were dirty, they need to be replaced every 2 years, the small motor was sputtering, so new filters, new motor and new pillows (where you lay your head in the Jacuzzi. He also emptied it and cleaned it and fill it up and put stuff in it and is all nice and clean and running. So toda I had a nice relaxing time in it :)

I talked for about over an hour with Norbert, and it seems to me he may need some medication again, all he did is complain and complain some more. About his sister -why didn't she feed him good fruits and vegetables when he weas sick- About his properties -he should sell everything and move to a small town in a one room cabin- About his fiancee -why if she acts like his sister, why if she doesn't like to go boating, why why why he should spend so much money on her- And on and on and on. Oh well.

In other news, I think I will go to a scrapbooking class at the library they have one the second Wednesday of every month. It's a small group, just 6 women, and it doesn't seem to me they know what's going on very much, just do simple things, nothing digital. But what I like is they have this long tables and very bright lights. I am going to take my pictures and spread them out and put them together in themes, for instance: My heritage, My Kindergaten years, Trips, etc. etc.

Now about WHO ARE YOU? When I started this blog, I had 4 readers, my husband, two daughters and sister. I don't advertise or put it in Facebook, or give the blog name away to other friends or relatives. Maybe somebody that reads Lizzie's or Sandy's or Mia's or Marvin's blog may read mine in passing. Let's say about 10 more people. A couple of years ago I checked settings and saw I had an average of 10-15 readers pero post, which seems about right. But this year, I am averaging 150+ readers per post!! The blew my mind. WHO ARE YOU? I see there's people from the US -the most- but some from all over the world - Sweden- Germany, France, Russia, Indonesia, Ireland, Slovenia, , to name a few. Anyway I am glad you read my blog and maybe find it entertaining or maybe you clicked on it by mistake? I would love to hear some comments, maybe I need to make my blog entries a little more fun ;)

Have a wonderful week, wherever you are, and take some time for yourself!

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