Tuesday, December 1, 2020

November Recap

 November went by fast. Still in the middle of the pandemic that has no sign of slowing down.

The main news was the Presidential election. I'm not getting into politics, but it seems like Biden is going to be the president-elect, although it has not been made official yet. 

Lizzie had a birthday but because of Covid, we couldn't celebrate properly. I cooked for dinner her favorite things, breaded pork with cheese, all I oli and asparagus. It was a nice day. She got a new tennis racket too :)

There's been all kinds of weather this month, from hot 98F yo pretty chilly in the high 40's, to very windy. But no rain and mainly mild days and cool nights. And sunny.

Thanksgiving was nontraditional. We decided on a Mexican meal from Reventaco, it was good and satisfying. Our next-door neighbor gave us some cookies and a pumpkin pier, we also bought a pecan pie.

We talk to Sandy every Monday and it's so nice to at least be able to see her and get some peeks of Tristan and Marty, and of course, Mac.

We had to replace our refrigerator, basically we got a clone of the one we had, that was Lizzie and my Christmas gift to each other.



Wishing you all a great December

1 comment:

RedRed said...

I like Under a Tuscan Sun!