Thursday, November 26, 2020

A week in November

 This week has been pretty busy so far.

At least I have been out to a couple of stores. First one was Loew's and we bought a new refrigerator. I told Lizzie that since my birthday is a week before Christmas, Marvin usually got me a nice birthday present (it was jewelry for the last few years) and then for Christmas instead of getting presents for each other, we got something for the house instead. I asked her what she thought about it, and she said it sounded fine with her, I asked her what did she think we needed or wanted and right away she said, we need a new refrigerator!

My refrigerator was about 15-20 years old, it was still working and keeping things cold, but it was extremely noisy, sometimes it was so noisy we couldn't even talk when we were sitting eating dinner, it sounded like a bunch of crickets chirping loudly. FUN FACT: as we were talking about replacing it, for the last 3 days before we bought the new one, the old refrigerator became pretty quiet.

Now the new one is almost exactly the same as the old one because it had to fit in the platform in the kitchen. And that was about the only one that did at an affordable price. The next day Tuesday, they brought the new one and took the old one. It seems to make a noise similar to the old one but muted. We think is because it may not sit completely flat on the platform.

Today my neighbor Amy brought us some butter-rosemary cookies, very good. She gave me the recipe, then later on she brought us a Costco Pumpkin pie. They had bought one at  Costco the day before and today they got another one from the place her husband works, so she gave it to us. 

1 comment:

RedRed said...

A new fridge isn't all that fun, but necessary!