Sunday, December 20, 2020

My birthday :)

  I turned 77 years old last December 17. I guess I'm a very senior citizen now! 

When I turned 75, my daughters had a surprise for me, we were going to spend a few days in Savannah, GA, it was a city I had always liked to visit and I was not disappointed. We also went to Charleston and Tybee Island.We enjoyed a lovely stay, great cities, good food (at a beautiful Restaurant on my day), great company!

When I turned 76 last year, they had another great thing planned. We stayed in a very nice hotel in San Diego, with views of the Bay, and went to the Star of India for a great show. Lizzie read a poem and we met all the musicians etc. It was a fun time. We had my birthday dinner at  Ruth Chris's Restaurant and it was incredible

This year, well. We are having a pandemic. We are advised not to travel, restaurants are closed. Sandy wanted to fly down but couldn't because of these circumstances. So it was Lizzie and me, and Lulu. We thought we could go to La Huasteca (I love their Margaritas) but  no outside dining. So we had a steak dinner from Blue Apron, with Freixenet Cava, and chocolate cake. It was very nice. 

My sister Mia called me from Sweden and we had a nice talk, she's looking very well. Then my niece Monica and my sister Nuri called me from San Feliu de Guixols, and as usual, we had a pretty chaotic conversation, Sonia also called, and of course Sandy called too :)  

I had very nice gifts. Sandy gifted me with a DIY succulent garden, that was fun to put together, Lizzie gave me some toe socks, I've been wanting some of them for a while, so fun. An address, internet book, very needed, some yummy cookies and a lovely birthday candle.

Hopefully next year the pandemic will be over and we can spend my 78th together in some cool place :)

Thank you girls!!! :)