Friday, November 13, 2020


 After a very hot summer and fall, the weather is getting to be quite chilly in the early morning and after sunset but stays mild and nice in the daytime.

Lulu had a haircut last Saturday, she really needed it. I think it had been 5 months since her last visit to the salon. She looked like a little bear.

She had to have her hair cut very short because it was matted, and hard to brush. 

When she came home from doggy salon she looked happy and perky but at night she came to my room after her nightly walk, and she was shaking a little, I think she was cold.

On Tuesday, I stopped at Marshalls to try to find a little sweater that she could wear for her night walk. I never liked dogs or cats wearing outfits I think they look ridiculous ( it goes back to the time I was a teenager going to school in Barcelona, and a famous gypsy singer and dancer lived in the building next to my school and she had a chihuahua that wore a different outfit every day, she even had a yellow raincoat with a hat and boots to match. I'm sad to say we made fun of the poor animal, and her owner, La Chunga, hated us)

I found a little flannel onesie with festive candy cane decorations and I hoped she liked it. My neighbor Amy had gifted Lulu a bee Halloween costume and she seemed happy wearing it. 
We tried it on and she was happy!!! She looked very fashionable and grateful.

Lizzie thinks she looks adorable...

...I agree :)

1 comment:

RedRed said...

She seems content with her new onesie!