Sunday, November 1, 2020


 My oldest daughter said she was going to write on her blog daily this month, she wants to write about things she's thankful for every day.

So I thought I'd give it a try although I will probably not write everyday.

Today was a lovely day weather-wise. I did some gardening, took a shower, had a nice breakfast (sugar donut), Just a nice Sunday.

We just changed to DST and it gets darker one hour earlier, I watered the lawn and I did take Lulu for a little walk around 5PM , the neighbor kids came over and played with her and she was so happy -she loves people-

There was a beautiful sunset, the temperature was mild, I wore a shift with short sleeves. My neighbor Jose was out washing his car and he said, isn't it a lovely evening? I said it indeed was lovely and we agreed we would love to have every day be like this.

While I was outside with Lulu, Lizzie was cooking dinner. We had a nice meal from Blue Apron, steak with carrots and mashed potatoes, and we shared a bottle of Pinot Grigio

Later on, Lizzie, Lulu and I went for a walk again, the moon was coming out. I could see reddish Mars  and Jupiter and Saturn shining brightly in Saggitarius (My sign). This picture is from my Sky View Lite app.

When we got home, I took a picture of the moon, still full and surrounded by clouds.

I am thankful for a very lovely day