Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Oh God / Dios mio

 After reading Sandy's blog, I pondered about what she wrote and decided to share my thoughts.

I was raised Catholic, my mother and grandmother and my sister and I went to Mass every Sunday and holidays, my dad not so often.  Marvin's parents were Baptists and very active in their church, Bettie also went to church with them. Marvin, Mary and Dewey not so much.

When we had our daughters, I had them both baptized in the Catholic church, but I had a pretty bad experience with the priests in the US so we didn't attend church. I told both of them that when they were older they could choose what religion, if any, they wanted to follow.

Ever since I was a little girl I have said my prayers every night. As I grew older, it was more like a recap of my day, and always included a prayer of thanks for good health, good life, or it was a prayer for help during some bad times. It comforted me. It is a bit of a ritual I have every night, it's changed thru the times. Interestingly enough my prayers or thoughts or recaps, whatever you may want to call them, are always in Spanish and catalan.

I have always thought I have a guardian angel, metaphorically speaking. When I am under stress or feel anxious, I do talk to "it" and it helps. Sounds weird maybe but it works for me. 

To get back to her post, I think most everybody uses the term Oh God! as an exclamation more so than in a religious sense.


RedRed said...

I felt like Franco was just making an observation about a frequent use of words. Maybe it's not as commonly used in other cultures?

Kteach said...

The French say Mon Dieu all the time! :)

Lizzie said...

I like that you have your own little rituals to recap your day :)