Friday, April 6, 2018


I have two big trees in my backyard. Every 2-3 years Marvin hired a tree trimmer and he came with a couple other guys and trimmed the trees. I am not sure how much they charged for it, although I think it was $450-500, but not sure.

Last year the tree trimmer came to see if we wanted them trimmed, at the time Marvin was not feeling well, so I told them not yet. They kept on coming to ask about the trees, my answer was always the same. Marvin thought maybe they should go ahead and do it, but there were too many health problems going on and I said to wait till he felt better. The next time the tree trimmer came to ask, Marvin had just went to the hospital. I told them no again.

With the rain and the Spring weather, the trees grew a lot. they were touching the wires, and one of them was bending towards my neighbor's garage and I was afraid a branch may fall or hit something. I was enjoying the Jacuzzi when I took a good luck and decided something needed to be done. I knew Marvin would have agreed.

Since the tree trimmer had not been back for a few months, I was talking to our gardener about it on Friday March 30, and he said he did tree trimming too. We had the same gardener for about 7 years and I thought he could do it. I had him cut down some of the left tree and trim the right one, for $700.00
                                    Notice all the leaves and branches and the pile of wood

He and a friend came the morning of Easter Sunday at 6:30 AM  and left around 4:30 PM. After they were done, they stacked the wood by my driveway with a sign saying FREE and in a matter of two hours, somebody stopped and got them all. It sure save them money and a couple of trips to the dump, , I should have asked for a discount but I thought about it too late!

The backyard looks bigger and iIcan see the sky. But I feel sorry for the birds that lived there (some are now in my orange tree) and there's a lack of privacy from the neighbors. But it won't need trimming for a couple of years or more.


RedRed said...

The one with leaves looks like a Dr. Seuss tree.

Lizzie said...

what a difference!