Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Even though February had one extra day, I didn't feel up to making a recap yesterday. I will do it tomorrow.

I went to my school a week ago, and when I got home I was not feeling so well, so guess what? I caught another cold. I went 4 years without even a cough, and then this year I already got sick twice . I need to take better care of myself.

Yesterday was strange, because I felt congested, my head hurt, and I was not feeling right. So I lay down and it was OK, but then I opened my eyes and the room was turning around. I blinked a couple of times and turned the other way, then I opened my eyes and it was fine, turned to the other side and again, opened my eyes and the room was spinning! It had never happened to me before (well the room was spinning quite a bit sometimes when I had too much to drink, but this was not the case now).

Today I feel OK. I stopped taking  my cold medicine because I was taking 2 different ones and I think maybe that's what was making me dizzy.

Tomorow I was supposed to go back to school and read books to some of the kinder and 5th grade classes (my last class I taught is already in 4th and 5th grade, but I had to cancel. I feel sad because I was looking forward to it.

Here's to a healthier March for all of us!

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