Sunday, February 8, 2015

Book or Movie?

I think one of us touched on this theme before, but maybe I'm wrong.

I just finished watching a British 2014 movie called "Love, Rosie". It is based on a 2004 novel by Irish author Cecelia Ahern called originally "Where Rainbows End" although the title of both the book and film are now Love, Rosie.

I enjoyed the movie, although the story spans several years and both main characters look almost exactly the same at all ages.

I got to it better to read the book and then see the movie? Or to see the movie and then read the book.?

It probably depends on each person. I think I prefer reading the book first and imagining the characters, locations etc. Then watch the movie see if it comes close to what I imagined.

Many times I've seen a movie and then find out it was based on a book, usually I try to read the book afterwards.

And sometimes I read a book and wish they would make it into a movie.

What do you prefer?


1 comment:

emtes said...

Hard question. When I read I see the people, the surroundings and everything so clear (if it's a good book that catches me).
Many times when they make a movie out of it I am dissapointed because it's almost never as I imagined it.
Also they have, of course, cut the action because it won't fit in the 1,5-2 hour film.
My latest dissapointment was the 100-year old that went......
They had cut the story so much and many parts in the book that was relevant and moved the story forward was cut.
So I think I must say watch the movie first and then read ;-) Maybe